After watching them spend, what seemed like the good part of a Sunday afternoon, washing, hoovering and waxing their vehicles, we formulated a plan and moved the wifes car (which needs the water pump fixing), just out of range of the cherry tree, but leaving just enough space for both their scooter and car to recieve full effect in what will be just a matter of days......
I don't mind it in the woods. But at home, at 3am, every night for months?
Folk that cannot stay the course of a boozy evening , go to bed early (having pitched right next to the communal fire and fun area) and then moan about the singing for ever after....
Got back from Scout camp yesterday with a slightly stiff neck. Within hours was having muscle spasms that took my breath away and left me sweating in a heap.
5 hours in A & E, with diazapam straight after triage, I am now grateful that we have an NHS.
Moment of iritation, no...just a pain in the neck!