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Right, I'm starting to get slightly angry with my internet connection at the moment, it isn't liking the weather I think. This is a bad advertisement for wireless internet connections!! :banghead:
well im going to bed now, hopefully the pictures will be up by then lol if not dont worry mate
Right, it's finally done, but I see you are in bed by now! Never mind, it's been here waiting for you!!


As you cansee, I have skinny wrists and sporadic patches of baldness. The baldness is self inflicted! The strap is very comfortable and goes from skinny to gorilla sized wrists. It is also easy to fit, a gorilla probably could do it!

PS. If you ever think of going with an internet connection which is beamed directly into your house without any other way of you connecting to the internet, forget it!! :cussing:
No, it is grey, but you're right it does look a bit green. That's digital cameras for you! That strap is a bit old aswell, so it won't look so tatty when I get a new one.
Check out the time on the watch and then check the post time!! It took that long to upload the picture as I kept losing my connection and having to start again!!!!! :eek:
The thing is, I've gotta get my pictures uploaded from my trip just gone, but I can't bring myself to do it as there will be loads of pictures!! Maybe I should just give it a try!!
Like I say, I don't have a router or anything like that in my house. Where I live we have these nodes in some of the flats which we can connect to wirelessly. The problem is that bad weather can really effect the signal quite badly, and once you lose it, any down/uploads are lost and you have to start again from scratch.
hi just been shooting today (more writing to come about that) and was wondering what is the legal age to shoot, what is the age limit to get a licence, and how to go about getting a licence
thanks leon


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.