kit collecting


Aug 10, 2009
Loch Lomond, Scotland
Some very good points here guys and im glad to see im not alone in my kit obsession,

as to the wife she doesnt really moan about my kit purchases, its probably more to do with me feeling just a tadge guilty because just about every time i tell her i need to purchase this fantastic piece of kit, for some reason i always say that there is nothing more out there that i need because ive already got 3 of everything, then low and behold i go on line and there is that big "shiney thing" crying out for me to buy it!

It not even a problem money wise, we can afford it, but i suppose if truth be told i know that in reality the money could be spent on better things for the family or even savings - NAH CHANGED MY MIND KIT IS WAY BETTER, no better feeling than waiting for the weekend to go out into mother nature and play with your latest must have purchase...Col


On a new journey
Aug 29, 2007
please note it is not humanly posible to have to much bushy as long as three things apply

1 you can aford it
2 you need (read that as want it) it
3 you can store it with out the missus or mum and dad in my case seeing it until after a few months
so have fun but then again i could rack out three people with just my gear

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Why do you buy your wife's shoes? And what do you do with them? Is it so that she can't chase you because she's barefoot?



Aug 27, 2009
I have more than enough camping gear for our needs, and always on the look out for the next new/updated/best/etc thing. We do camp as a family, sometimes even with the luxury of electricity! as well as me going off without them, therefore different bits and pieces are needed. mind you at last count i made it we have 14 cooking devices, and still I keep looking at others!


Jan 13, 2006
I am really amused by this thread :) It is the same everywhere! I say buy the lady some handbags and shoes, that is something most of them seem to never got enough of, even if they only use them once or twice.

At least some good camping gear can be used over and over and it seldom goes out of style.

I too have more than 2 bedrooms filled with tents, sleeping bags, parkas, tarps, hammocks and rucksacks of all sizes and styles. I do make room for the other halves odd handbags so I seldom get in trouble:)



Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
I have no one to worry about

I have too much kit...most of it is stuff `I need to test`

But when I get out its the same old kit...not the best but I know its quirks and trust it


Full Member
Jun 24, 2008
St. Helens
But when I get out its the same old kit...not the best but I know its quirks and trust it

I know what you mean. My head keeps getting turned by the honey stove, but I never go through with it and click 'checkout' on it because a little voice keeps saying 'your home-made hobo stove does exactly the same thing and has never let you down!


Oct 1, 2008
West Midlands
What I'm finding amusing is this 'trouble' people keep talking about, like your partner is your mum or something!

When people buy kit that they know they don't really need, do they think they'll get in 'trouble' for it?

It's interesting (for me at least) to note just how many more posts there are on 'kit chatter' than any other forum! Are we all kit queens?

How many of us will admit to collecting stuff we know we're not going to use?



Full Member
Jun 24, 2008
St. Helens
What I'm finding amusing is this 'trouble' people keep talking about, like your partner is your mum or something!

When people buy kit that they know they don't really need, do they think they'll get in 'trouble' for it?

It's interesting (for me at least) to note just how many more posts there are on 'kit chatter' than any other forum! Are we all kit queens?

How many of us will admit to collecting stuff we know we're not going to use?


I was wondering how long it was going to be before someone said there are more posts in kit chatter than anywhere else.

I predict this thread being divided between those who get their kit from surplus shops, charity shops, Aldi, skips at the side of the road etc and then those who post in the Kit Chatter section who like about kit! Some of us like to buy stuff just for buying's sake and yes we might be paying over the odds but it's our money!

Rant over. Just thought I'd get my viewpoint in before this thread goes the way of all 'Buying Kit' threads.


Oct 1, 2008
West Midlands
Prawnster- sorry if I came across like I'm down on people for buying kit; I really don't care what people choose to do with their cash.

My point is that previous posters have stated that they buy gear without their partners knowledge, using work addresses for delivery, give excuses as to how and why they bought the gear etc, all to avoid 'getting in trouble' for it. Like we're kids or something!

The two standpoints seem at odds with each other - just pointing that out.



Dec 15, 2005
My point is that previous posters have stated that they but gear without their partners knowledge, using work addresses for delivery, give excuses as to how and why they bought the gear etc, all to avoid 'getting in trouble' for it. Like we're kids or something!

You've not met my wife :slap:


Full Member
Jun 24, 2008
St. Helens
Prawnster- sorry if I came across like I'm down on people for buying kit; I really don't care what people choose to do with their cash.

My point is that previous posters have stated that they buy gear without their partners knowledge, using work addresses for delivery, give excuses as to how and why they bought the gear etc, all to avoid 'getting in trouble' for it. Like we're kids or something!

The two standpoints seem at odds with each other - just pointing that out.


No need to apologise matey. I was just stating my position on the debate on elitism that I thought was about to erupt on this thread. Wayland's spidey sense must have been tingling too because he kindly opened a new thread for it. Saves things getting confused.:D

Me personally, I love new stuff. I love finding out about new kit, what it's made of, who uses it, how does it work with other kit. I spend far more time looking at and thinking about kit than I do actually practising any skills.:rolleyes: I've no problem with buying cheap, I'll just as happily order something surplus from Endy's as I will get something custom made from the finest material. Ok the custom made jobby is more exciting but you get my drift.

I want the best I can possibly afford to practice my hobbies. You only live once in this rotten world and you can't take any of your hard earned cash with you when you die so enjoy what you can while you can.


Aug 27, 2009
Prawnster- sorry if I came across like I'm down on people for buying kit; I really don't care what people choose to do with their cash.

My point is that previous posters have stated that they buy gear without their partners knowledge, using work addresses for delivery, give excuses as to how and why they bought the gear etc, all to avoid 'getting in trouble' for it. Like we're kids or something!

The two standpoints seem at odds with each other - just pointing that out.


Some women just don't understand men's hobbies which is the case here, and i would imagine the same for most others posting on here.


Aug 10, 2009
Loch Lomond, Scotland
oops just bought a duluth bedroll and the new backpacker rucksack from bushcraft northwest, there goes the babies food for the next 10 years, (should be out earning his own money by now, he is 6 months old after all!!!!!) now that i think about it i could say im just buying kit for him before it goes up in price - do you think the wife will believe me?



Mar 8, 2006
Well gentlemen, in the case your SWMBO says the tragic words 'I want halve of your stuff' you still make a chance in the woods. Thats a practical reason for buying everything twice...

In my case it prevents my wife saying the words, she wouldn't know what to do with all that stuff... and she loves me:approve:

PS I still have fond memories of the time just after Katrina (obviously with all respect to the victims), I was allowed to go out and buy all that's needed for our family to survive (GB axes, tarps, sleeping bags.. the works).


I know what you mean. My head keeps getting turned by the honey stove, but I never go through with it and click 'checkout' on it because a little voice keeps saying 'your home-made hobo stove does exactly the same thing and has never let you down!

Im going thru exactly the same dilema them honey stoves sure catch the eye must have one.

Been buying allsorts of kit lately just in case i may need it before im skint mainly cheapish... as the girlfriend is due mid Nov & shes just started maternity leave meaning all my purchases are being delivered to my dads house :naughty: also flitting in a few weeks as well.
I usually remove all packaging & sneak it in my kit box when shes not tuned in, anything thats guaranteed the box/reciept goes in my dads loft!

She saw a resy pouch the other day and started tutting-i blagged her its my lads bushy pouch when hes old enough for a bimble, prob is we dont know what were having yet!

Trying to convcince myself its just the Improviser adapting to big changes. ;)
Im in DEEP dodo if she sees this post :AR15firin


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