if you could?

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id like to try a rack of dinosaur ribs and possibly a woolly mammoth burger....

id also like to see what the heck the first person to milk a cow and drink it was upto
The first person to have a domesticated wolf in there tribe... that would be a wonderful point in human history, when an animal was not just viewed as a food resource.

That would be a sight to see indeed, From what I understand the smart Wolf must have thought "These Monkeys arn't so bad big piles of food to share and warm fires, think i'll hang around for a bit" then became part of the family and we end up with the Pug.

I'd like to go back and meet the Mayan guy who came up with there calendar and ask him. "Hey what do you suppose happens when it runs out?"

It got to 5:30 he looked at his wrist sun dial and said "Sod it time to knock off for the day" on his way to the pub got run over by Fred Flintstone doing 90 in a 30 and left us the legacy of people believing that because a Dead civilisations calender runs out means that the world is coming to a end when it does, it makes no mention of "The end of the world" it just ends and all because Fred Flintstone was driving under the influence.

id like to try a rack of dinosaur ribs and possibly a woolly mammoth burger....

id also like to see what the heck the first person to milk a cow and drink it was upto

Yep that is something I would like to see, however if Heinz got there hands on a time machine I wonder how long it would be before we ended up seeing Can's of Cream of Plesiosaur next to tin's of Cream of Mushroom.
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i would love to go back 100 years and go and spend a year living like the true romany gypies and see how bushcraft was dunn by them and also to go and live with the showman and the traction engines that were on the road year round and see how they lived

When I die, and if there's an afterlife (big if), then one of my ideas of heaven would be able to sit and see any part of human history, on the spot, over the shoulder of the guy doing the deed. In which case, the list is endless.
I'd love to know what Alexander the Great was really like. Ditto Gaius Julius Caesar, Yeshua Ben Yusuf, (also known as Jesus Christ), Mohammed, and Buddha. Just for the hell of it. :)

Failing that, I'd go for the first domesticated wolf thing, because that was pretty damn cool...
Nobody ever captured a wolf and made friends with it. It never happened like that.

True, it's generally thought that wolves became gradually domesticated by the pack following tribes of humans and living near the edges.

However it's also likely that occassionally someone picked up and raised the pups from an orphaned litter. THAT would have been relatively osudden. I've done that with raccons; wolves (being a pack animal) would be easier. And for what it's worth, I've owned a wold/malamute hybrid. The gentlest dog I've ever owned.
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Much more recent, but...

...the first hang glider.

I imagine the conversation went something like this:

"What the hell is that?"
"It's my latest invention - the Man-Glider."
"The what?"
"Man-Glider. It flies! You just hang onto this bit..."
"This bit?"
"That's right. Hold tight. Now, start running towards that cliff over there"
Nobody ever captured a wolf and made friends with it. It never happened like that.

See my last :p

That would be a sight to see indeed, From what I understand the smart Wolf must have thought "These Monkeys arn't so bad big piles of food to share and warm fires, think i'll hang around for a bit" then became part of the family and we end up with the Pug.


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