if you could?

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If there is one thing I would love to see and I mean really love to see it would have to be the birth of the very first Homo-Sapien, I don't think you could get much better than that.

Another I would like to see is the first group of people make the leap from hunter gatherers to farming, that was one of the most important events in human history.

And another the first person to mine a ore, rather than just getting Bog Iorn or deposits from rivers etc.


Are we allowed to post events we would like to go back and change if we could I am not talking about personal ones just moments in history that if changed would change the word or is that best left for another thread?
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Watch the Romans set up camp/fort just down the road from my house. Those aerial overflights helped the gask project a lot.

The idea that land as remained unchanged over the years would be nice to survey Glasgow over the centuries as it expands.
Originally posted by santaman2000

True, it's generally thought that wolves became gradually domesticated by the pack following tribes of humans and living near the edges.

However it's also likely that occassionally someone picked up and raised the pups from an orphaned litter. THAT would have been relatively osudden. I've done that with raccons; wolves (being a pack animal) would be easier.

I would say the exact same thing.
As for what i would see, it would have to be the thing that killed the dinos as well and i am surprised no one has mentioned it, but i would also like to see the first life come to life, (obviously i would take a very good pair of glasses lol)
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If there is one thing I would love to see and I mean really love to see it would have to be the birth of the very first Homo-Sapien, I don't think you could get much better than that.

Another I would like to see is the first group of people make the leap from hunter gatherers to farming, that was one of the most important events in human history.

And another the first person to mine a ore, rather than just getting Bog Iorn or deposits from rivers etc.


Are we allowed to post events we would like to go back and change if we could I am not talking about personal ones just moments in history that if changed would change the word or is that best left for another thread?
i'd say another thread myself :)
I've always wanted to go back and see some of my favorite places before man had a hand in altering them. As a kid I grew up on the former site of Leni Lenape village. I used to dream about visiting the old neighborhood.

Off the coast of Brazil stands a small group of islands, Ilhas Martins Vas, that were once a lush ecosystem totally unique as it had never been inhabited. The Portuguese turned it into a bare rock. I have always wondered what it would be like to visit such a place.
I'd like to go back and meet the Mayan guy who came up with there calendar and ask him. "Hey what do you suppose happens when it runs out?"
In the book "if you've forgotten the name of the clouds, you've lost your way", Russell Means claims it ran out in 1492.

id also like to see what the heck the first person to milk a cow and drink it was upto

Possibly the had a cow that had lost it's calf and was in pain from not having the milk taken out, if they tried to relieve that by milking it and then thought, hang on why am I throwing this away?..... or something along those lines.


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