how do I know if the knife. is good.

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Jul 5, 2012
If you are going to use camp sites then why do you need an axe? A gas canisiter stove is lighter and more practical!

Do you need a knife for each job or one that will do all, in a push? Mora Clipper or similar. Try to test this before starting out.

Ask the same question for every item & get that pack weight down!

And finally are you happy and fit to do 29 miles a day every day for 3 months?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 20, 2010
Under your floor
Tarp, sleeping bag, 1 person tent weighs 1,5 kilo, omnifuel ti stove, the gransfors small forest axe, the multitool, the katadyn pocket water purifyer, steriipen adventurer, maxpedition fr 1 pouch which has some emergency gear in like some 100 grams of brass snare wire.
Widemouth nalgene and possibly a maxpedition nalgene pouch, gotta check out the new war belt thats coming tuesday. A Few torches,

Need to find a descent small packing fishing rod too.

I think you will find with all that gear + the weight of your ruck sack you are going to be about 25 kg + min
Nov 29, 2004
Tarp, sleeping bag, 1 person tent weighs 1,5 kilo, omnifuel ti stove, the gransfors small forest axe, the multitool, the katadyn pocket water purifyer, steriipen adventurer, maxpedition fr 1 pouch which has some emergency gear in like some 100 grams of brass snare wire.
Widemouth nalgene and possibly a maxpedition nalgene pouch, gotta check out the new war belt thats coming tuesday. A Few torches,

Need to find a descent small packing fishing rod too.

And a couple more pouches. And hhave my netting needles and some garden cord too to help degrade. If I need to make a net and ditch it.

"..You Really need to think this through some more..."

No, really, have a good long think about what you are planning to do, maybe get along to your local library and get some reading in.


Outdoor Survival Handbook

You haven't listed a compass, or any clothes, is that an oversight? How are your navigation skills?

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Jul 16, 2012
No not at all, I only need a 35 litre pack.

Which ill need help selecting sometime next month when I can afford it, they cost a lot
Nov 29, 2004
Oh come on. We've all done silly things but there's ways of passing on the benefit of experience without pouncing on a chap and making him look daft.

Agreed, multi may be sitting having a snigger at out expense or he may just be a lad. He certainly reminds me of me when I was about 14.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 24, 2011
maxpedition fr 1 pouch which has some emergency gear in like some 100 grams of brass snare wire.

good to know you have permission to set and use snares in the places you intend on travelling through, that must have taken some serious phoning around and written proof so that you don't get arrested and charged for poaching! ;)

I know some people won't be able to udnerstand your intentions, but I think the comments are meant as advice and not eprsonal digs.

If you need a knife, take one that will do the jobs you will be facing, if one of those jobs is filleting fish from lakes you have permisson/licenses to do so from then go for it.

If you have permission to set snares to trap animals bring the wire, if not son't bother it's illegal and wrong.

if you will be chopping wood on land you have permission to be and need a log fire then for it, if not don't bother, axes weigh alot.

To be honest, unless you have permission to go on land during your travels carrying any sort of hunting ger or knvies is kind of pointless and illegal..

so with that in mind, maybe your item list could shrink measurbaley and leave you with an easier journey. travel light and with only a swiss army knife, as you can carry that in public.

Just my thoughts, of course.


Jul 16, 2012
good to know you have permission to set and use snares in the places you intend on travelling through, that must have taken some serious phoning around and written proof so that you don't get arrested and charged for poaching! ;)

I know some people won't be able to udnerstand your intentions, but I think the comments are meant as advice and not eprsonal digs.

If you need a knife, take one that will do the jobs you will be facing, if one of those jobs is filleting fish from lakes you have permisson/licenses to do so from then go for it.

If you have permission to set snares to trap animals bring the wire, if not son't bother it's illegal and wrong.

if you will be chopping wood on land you have permission to be and need a log fire then for it, if not don't bother, axes weigh alot.

To be honest, unless you have permission to go on land during your travels carrying any sort of hunting ger or knvies is kind of pointless and illegal..

so with that in mind, maybe your item list could shrink measurbaley and leave you with an easier journey. travel light and with only a swiss army knife, as you can carry that in public.

Just my thoughts, of course.

As said on previous threads ive done ive got snare wire for a survival pouch. Not an edc pouch.
I cant fillet a legal size bass particularly well with a 3 inch blade.


Feb 15, 2010
Modena, Italy
I'm fine with a puukko or brukskniv, 10 cm carbon steel blade (thickness vary depending on task and blade geometry), wood or birch bark handle and leather sheath with liner.
I prefer barrel shaped handle as they give the greatest possibility of grips and confort during use.

For a start I too suggest a Mora.

The one in your link has a kind of yatagan styled blade. The yatagan was an ottoman knife or short saber used from 16th century.


Jul 16, 2012
I see nowhere that says he's doing it all on foot. A lot of assumptions are being jumped to and Multi is probably enjoying the fact.

I consider obnoxious and implificating responses as herassment, why would I appreciate that.
I dont like being told im a dimlo either.
I dontblike the fact that people keep patronising me..


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 24, 2011
what I'm saying is, unless you have legal permission to do anything you would like then don't bother.

you need permission from the land owner to snare any animal, and restriction apply to any snaring done in the UK. if you don't have permission or any knowledge on the law, don't take it, it's extra weight and a reason to geta rrested.

same with the fillet knife, do you have a rod license? or any fishing licenses/permission? if not, don't bother carrying it, it's a dead weight that you cannot use legally.

Unfortunately there is no free land that we can all just use as normal people..
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.