What would you not be able to do if your phone died ?

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Last weekend I watched my son use his phone to identify a plant in my garden, and I thought to myself, "but he ought to know that", and it's kind of niggled away at the back of my mind all week since.

I have a confession to make. Thirty years ago I bought myself a big herbal, one on white paper pages, with no photographs, just decent drawings of the plants....and I write in it in the margins. I write about how I used it, where it grew, when I gathered it, how effective it was, etc....and I add in details of folklore, traditional uses, other uses too. So, I do write in books :)

My son and his girlfriend are very capable people, but they're stashing knowledge in a totally different way. If my house burnt down I might lose mine, but most of it's in my mind anyway. I don't think folks who use their phones stash the same kind of stuff in their minds.

So, what would you not know, be able to do, if your phone died ?

Navigation to plant recognition, and uses ? Even guestimating the time with any accuracy ?

I wouldn’t be able to use bushcraft U.K. that’s about it really .
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I wonder what other "what would you do if your XXXXXX died?" questions you could come up. Bank debit or credit card, axe, knife, tarp, hammock line, garden fork, favourite pot, computer, radio, vehicle, local bus route, memory, eyesight, etc. What in your life that died would leave you feeling like you've lost something important?
I wonder what other "what would you do if your XXXXXX died?" questions you could come up. Bank debit or credit card, axe, knife, tarp, hammock line, garden fork, favourite pot, computer, radio, vehicle, local bus route, memory, eyesight, etc. What in your life that died would leave you feeling like you've lost something important?
My bicycle. I could do without a lot of the rest but a pushbike is a simple thing, but a thing of wonder! Once bought it brings hours of pleasure and good for you.
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I’d prefer not to tell you out here but I wouldn’t be in line without it. I haven’t used computer or tablet for many years.

I will mention that I have an aversion to prolonged performances of Mozart’s Rondeau for Horn. My land line is not particularly high fidelity. Using a telephone application to bypass the (eventual) talking human is wonderful.
i live off-grid and most of the time my phone is turned off. to get Wi-Fi i've to walk at least two km and cross a river (which can flood rapidly after big rain in no time...) and hope i have reception -- not much of an issue for me, except at the moment i'm doing some courses, part of which are online, so it's a bit stressful... .
aanndd i wouldn't be able to connect to the forum...

lat year i smashed my phone and survived fine for two month before i had wnough money to buy a new one. unlike a lot of folks nowadays i'm most definitely not obsessed with the darn things
I have thirty applications on my telephone, half of which I use on regular basis. There aren’t any games and I very rarely use it as a telephone. There are ways around the loss of any of them including the Kindle :) but I’d be wasting a lot of time looking for them.
My phone might die but I”d get my life back

Take photos without having to carry a camera or learn something on you tube both could be done other ways.
I bought a smaller smartphone last year, partly because it now fits a slot in my van's dashboard and partly because it's just more comfortable to carry around. It was noticeable how my useage dropped immediately because it's harder to type, harder to see some things (youtube is pretty pointless) and generally less convenient to do certain things like basic image editing.
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I bought a smaller smartphone last year, partly because it now fits a slot in my van's dashboard and partly because it's just more comfortable to carry around. It was noticeable how my useage dropped immediately because it's harder to type, harder to see some things (youtube is pretty pointless) and generally less convenient to do certain things like basic image editing.
Same. I liked the old iPhone 4 and 5 that actually fit in a pocket so I got a Mini. Usage is calls, texts, satnav, Bluetooth audio player, occasional mobile banking.
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Well as i do not have a phone hmmmm nothing lol , i like the written word or theo ther i like is to download it and save to flash drives and or to laptop hard drives in caddies that i put in a EMP proof box so that in the event i will always have the books to fall back on knowledge wise , but i also save loads of other stuff to them music and alike but i just refuse to have a mobile phone that rules peoples lives , i watch a woman yesterday walk right out on a crossing before the lights had changed she pressed the button and just walked out while doiugnb stuff on her phone as we got along side i shouted bang and then said next time the car might not slow down may be cross the road not looking down at your phone , i then saw a woman in the shop walk right in to me looking at her phone i said excuse me i think you need to get an app that shows you wear to walk .

Sorry rant over i just hat the way people are letting these things control their life , to that point sorry rant again 3 young rils in hospital waiting to be seen all playing on their phonesl ook i got to update this oh i got ot do my insta and so on and i just said hey i have a question if the internet was to stop tomorrow and phones stopepd working what would you do and one said and i kid you not i would kill myself if i can not get on for a couple of hours i have been known to have a melt down , end of rant stop looking at the screen and tell it NO NO NO
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@Disabled Preppers
.....aaaaaaaand breathe....

Perhaps not really the place for this, however there are 2 sides to everything. I think phones/the distraction of phones, really help people with anxiety issues to have a distraction, especially in public places or in hospitals where it's rare anyone sitting around waiting to be seen is having a whale of a time in their life..

That said, I also wonder about how much it exacerbates anxiety by creating a dependency. It's a real catch 22, I use my phone for various things - work weighs heavily upon it (various notifications and communications), which means I feel obliged to keep it on me, which then leads to temptations such as reading news, watching youtube, checking forums, checking ebay, checking gumtree, communicatiing with friends on whatsapp, taking photos, taking videos, etc etc... But if I didn't have the work requirements, I'd be happier to put it away - however, it is my primary source of contact with family and my dear mum, and the outlaws inlaws if they are either wanting to talk to me or trying to get hold of their daughter.

Each time I've gone out in public recently (shops etc) I've put my headphones in to listen to music... I don't have an anxiety of people, I just spend a huge amount of time dealing with people, so I quite like my own/music time and not speaking to anyone, but I am questioning how healthy that is in the long run, am I becoming dependent on headphones/music/my phone to be in a public area? All things I'm aware of and will test.
@Disabled Preppers
.....aaaaaaaand breathe....

Perhaps not really the place for this, however there are 2 sides to everything. I think phones/the distraction of phones, really help people with anxiety issues to have a distraction, especially in public places or in hospitals where it's rare anyone sitting around waiting to be seen is having a whale of a time in their life..

That said, I also wonder about how much it exacerbates anxiety by creating a dependency. It's a real catch 22, I use my phone for various things - work weighs heavily upon it (various notifications and communications), which means I feel obliged to keep it on me, which then leads to temptations such as reading news, watching youtube, checking forums, checking ebay, checking gumtree, communicatiing with friends on whatsapp, taking photos, taking videos, etc etc... But if I didn't have the work requirements, I'd be happier to put it away - however, it is my primary source of contact with family and my dear mum, and the outlaws inlaws if they are either wanting to talk to me or trying to get hold of their daughter.

Each time I've gone out in public recently (shops etc) I've put my headphones in to listen to music... I don't have an anxiety of people, I just spend a huge amount of time dealing with people, so I quite like my own/music time and not speaking to anyone, but I am questioning how healthy that is in the long run, am I becoming dependent on headphones/music/my phone to be in a public area? All things I'm aware of and will test.
HI Scottie , i fully understand like you say people with issues we have huge health issues here and yes i have seen many kids these days who have major issues ralating to having conbtact or noise so i do understand but in saying that i thinkthe phones are just to controlling i have a niece who has 3 phones on the go at a time don't ask , but also i have seen people knocked over by bikes whizzing past or people running and bumping in to people with headphones on but what scares me the most we live on the canal towpath and i have sat and watched many people and we have seen lots and i mean lots of young girls walking alone along the path evening and night with headsets o nthe phones and that scares me because situational awareness is gone you can not hear people running up behind you or you have no sense of sound round you again like you say not the palce but just something i find i have no need of a techno phone as i call it lol , we do have a home phone and an old nokia for when we go out in the car to call rac or something but it is very old just texts and phone lol
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