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Ground dweller. Quicker to set up, lighter weight, more flexible in terms of suitable locations (no need for trees), and you can't fall out when drunk.
Which is not to say I haven't got a hammock too...
can't beat sleeping in a small trench under a bush
I've got a hammock and used it alot but not for sleeping in, just chilling out in when in the woods as I can't help but feel too enclosed and vulnerable when zipped in at night..
Not keen on tents that much either at night, I much prefer to be able to see my surroundings while being subtley hidden away with nature.
We need the extra option - both...depending on how you feel at the time/location/activity.
I like my hammock but I also like ground dwelling (handy when there are no trees big enough or close enough to each other) but my hammock set up weighs more than my grond dwelling kit, I dislike hammocking when the wind is so strong that trees are swaying (I get sea sick) but I dislike ground dwelling in marshy /sandy or plain wet ground conditions....
Have always been a ground dweller but a growing desire to camp right in the woods and reading threads on here has tempted me to try swinging Just getting my first hammock setup together courtesy of steve48 and mayfly so hopefully i'll be in a position (horizontal, hopefully!) to answer this question properly soon
I've tried both!!! But I like lying in bed (on the ground) and making a brew before I get out my sleeping bag!!!! Bit more difficult whilst swinging between trees
Usually I will sleep on the ground, however sometimes a hammock can be a necessity, I have a Hennesey one which sets up in minutes and weighs next to nothing.
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