Research tastes betterEDIT: Beat me to it - But mine's from bitter experience
Research tastes betterEDIT: Beat me to it - But mine's from bitter experience
it wasnt so much i wish i hadn't taken it, its more i wish i had no forgoten i hadnt eaten it all when i got home and left it in my bag (i actually took it as a passenger on a further trip and still didnt realise what i had done) for 3 and a half weeks.. was a pack of bacon :togo:
Dried mango is lovely though
Have you ever taken some food with you that you thought would be great but turned into a nightmare...
For me it was the first time I'd tried a fresh mango. Don't get me wrong, I love mango, especially the dried stuff but on this occasion I was stocking up at the local supermarket when I noticed they had fresh mangoes. I'd never seen one before ( It was a while ago now.)
Must try one of those I thought.
So, miles from anywhere, limited water and no soap, I discover that the only safe place to eat a really ripe mango is in the bath with the shower on.
In case any of you are wondering, mangoes are really juicy and very sticky. It took me the rest of the trip to get my hands "unsticky" by which time just about everything I had handled was sticky too.
Great fruit but only take the dried stuff bushcrafting.
I recently tried some supermarket own brand cuppa soups thinking they would be handy.
I must say they were absolutely rank. :tongue-ti
and tastedcatsick
we have now learnt our lesson (I hope.)bloody awful
UK Rat Pack "Fruit Dumpling and custard" The dumplings are...... well..... grim, and the custard.............all I will say here,..... is that it glows in the dark.