Five pound sharpening kit

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POO i tried it on my knife and it worked all the way up until the blade was sooooo shiny i made myself cry in joy....but it wasn't razor sharp! me thinks its my technique i think i'm getting a slightly convex ground by accident....need to work on it more....any suggestions??
The only thing that would make that convex would be lifting the spine a fraction when pushing. I tend to do that (in fact I let myself when sharpening a convex blade like an axe etc.). I tend to push the bevel flat with my non-knife hand nd spread my fingers over the top to hold the bevel flat to the board. This avoids convexing or secondary bevels

i'll give that ago! i think i am lifting at the end of the stroke because i can kind of see it in the blade, the scatch marks seem a little inconsistant especially moving up a grit grade.....i'll try again tomorrow! is there any benefit to having a flat grind? or a scandy grind for that matter?
I prefer a scandy for bushcraft but I mainly slice and push cut - thin full flats make great butchery knives, convex are the best impact cutters (axes, knives for batoning etc.), hollow grinds are fantastically sharp but fragile....guess it depends on purpose!

This is a fantastic thread and a real eye opener guys, ive neer been able to sharpen a knife well and have experimented with all the traditional tools ( stones, ceramic rods etc)
basically ran out of patience and wasnt grown up enough to gain satisfaction from it!
BUT all these are cheap - and as the mrs says thats my middle name so im gonna have a go now - my clipper will be arriving shortly but i think ill start on my folder
From a complete novice at sharpening ill let you know how i get on
Instead of carrying around a whole belt for stropping I have cut the belt into 18 inch lengths and clued it to a piece of wood (same width as the belt)
It makes it easy to strop even if you can't find something to attach the end of the belt to.

The most readily available abrasive paste is toothpaste. It works on just about everyting, even getting minor scratches of the car.
this is a superb thread. on convex blades do you pull or push, as in swipe it back first or blade first?

i'm just thinking that swiping blade first might cut into the paper
benp1 - for convex put something soft under the paper (like the leather in Hoodoos picture or a piece of mouse mat). I've known people do both. I push but many pull - either works! You aren't talking about a large "veuve" - it should be subtle but there.

hello all , my first post on this forum
in my assortment of used stones and store bought kit i use a ceramic cpu ( P166 for example) to touch up my knifes on the edge of cpu , they are free and don't take up any room
My strop.
A 1 meter length of 4x4 the belt was a Army Sam Brown originaly ( thick strong leather) There is a nail through one of the adjustment holes then back over the end down to a Turnbuckle conected to an eyebolt.
The turnbuckle allows me to adjust the tension on the belt. Slack in storage or for a heavy convex edge. Tight for a flat grind.
I use razor strop paste ( my brother-in-law is a barber)
Since this pic was taken, I have glued a piece of vinyl floor tile to one side as a base for light convex sharpening. That is a Cold Steel Gunsite. For size reference.

They are probably listed differently - 2 micron paper is about 10,000 grit if that helps

Interesting info from new series on the discovery channel.

There is a new series called Weapon Masters. Episode one is the Katana.

Thing that is interesting to this thread, is at the end they shoot a real one, and the shows made one. Both cut the bullet in half, but the show one is just sharp, and the real one is polished. The real one shows almost no effect, were the show one has a trail of lead on the blade. The forumlate that the lack of polish on the show one actually increases the drag.

This is going to be an interesting series because they do all sorts of acicent weapons by the look of it.
I made some of these at the wkd - well pleased with the rsult, cheers British Red. The only thing that occurred to me is that after the knife has been sharpened a few times, the glass paper may wear out. But i suppose its a simple solution, just stick another piece of glass paper on top of it!


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