Well guys,
This is a sincere thank you. I thought I'd designed something good....you know, cheap effective yada yada yada.
Then along come you lot...(you know who you are...Andy....OldJimbo...etc) and suggest some really good ideas and wipe the smug look right off my face
So, I have to completely re-design the whole kit....I want some of Andys fab specialist papers....I want to use some of OldJimbos buffing compund etc.
Then I start to think, "yeah but them blocks are just too big...if I make loads more I'll need a crate to keep em in". So what to mount all this suff on

. I want the boards wider too. I want them lighter and stackable

. Hmm plywood? Steel (too heavy), hardboard (doesn't like the wet).
So anyway after much thinking I laid hands on some "sample" A3 sheets of foamex (think 2mm thick stiff plastic). Cut 2 pieces down to 8 A5 sized sheets with a panel saw and sanded the edges smooth.
Then cut out an A5 piece of all the grades of paper and a piece of salvaged soft leather.
Part of a can of spray mount later, we have eight board mounted grades. Then clamped the stack down and drilled two holes along the long edge.
Two screw gate shackles through the holes and...tada
We have a book no thicker than a paperback with 8 A5 sheets (each lablelled on the back). The pages are
240 grit
400 grit
600 grit
1500 grit
2500 grit
8000 grit
10000 grit
Soft leather and green buffing compound.
So, what do you reckon guys? :umbrella:
Seriously - any more suggestions greatly welcomed - mark 2 is an real improvement!