Emergency Preparedness Guides

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Just a few things to think about.
Security incident at Glasgow Airport a few days ago. Airport evacuated No information since about what it was about.
A couple of days after the first British and American long range weapons fired into Russia by Ukraine, ie today. Gatwick Airport evacuated and shut down. Also controlled explosion at the American embassy in London.
No information as yet. Admitted its early but you'd think basic info would be out there to inform travellers and others in the capitol for their own safety if nothing else.
It's making people paranoid not knowing what is realy going on. How do you know what to look out for?
cynical as us about goverment propoganda and media spin.
They have very few alternatives nowadays when Putlin controls everything. Computer savvy people in ST. Petersburg and Moscow have access to other than Muscovite information, how much their possible cynicality helps is a good question.
The pervasive western influence reaches right thru russia to differing degrees, even via their own media, so I don't think they are as blind to things as we are.
Oh yes they are blind by definition, if not why surprising amount of people walk out of their windows, especially if they live higher up.
Bear in mind that Moscow and St Petertsburgh are tiny spots in the whole of Russia, its a very big place.
True, across Russia their access is maybe more limited than ours but it's available, especially to the younger population. The internet, and phones, seems to find ways around the blocking, and for the old timers I think Free Radio America is still beamed at them. I'm actually surprised at the amount of information and criticism that some politicians and posters inside Russia are apparently allowed to make. I think it relates to the level of threat they pose
Although that seems to be another blend of propoganda itself. None of them are stupid and they know they are being given a version of the facts, the same as we are.

Yes, there are more people falling out of windows and having strange accidents, that is one of the less pleasant things about Russian politics and life. Neither is it different in a lot of other countries, many of them friends with Russia.


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