
  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Like many here I never met Drew, but his moniker and posts made him one of the first to come to mind if you had to think of someone from the forum. His family must be devastated and it may be nice if Dave or the likes could pass on some of the lovely thoughts that have been posted on here about him. There's nothing we can say to make it feel better there never is, all we can do is talk and be prepared to listen to others talk. It becomes slightly less shocking that way.

A wee song for him.

two thumbs up for that comment, Goatboy. Listening to that song right now. Thanks.

Scouse Monster. Last night of Farcebook MadDave suggested a tree be planted at the Moot in his memory, and your suggestion sounds good too. Like that idea a lot. Who would ever know except yourself and Drew. Nice thought that.
Never met drew but like the rest of us he will be missed thoughts go out to his family and friends of which he had lots of here on the forum Rip drew
Shocking terrible news.

I met Drew at brockwell and have to say it was hard not to like him. Actually managed to enjoy a moment of peace with him sitting by the fire not speaking.... Wasn't until later I realised how rare those moments would be lol

Only met him a few times but shared banter on FB as well as on here.

Only 25 and far to young to be passing to the camping ground in the sky. I'm sure his spirit will be with all of us next time we light up the fires.

I am shocked and stunned by Drew's passing! my heart felt condolences go out to his family.
Drew was a great guy and like everyone who knew him has already said he was full of enthusiasm didn't have a bad bone in his body.


I don't remember what year this was but it was at Middlewood and was Drews first fire by flint and steel.

Rest well Drew.
Thanks for all your kind words guys. I am keeping a copy of all your comments. They will be handed to Drews mum Jean after the funeral. I'm also gonna read a few out on the day. Sad times and a fine young man taken too soon.
I've asked a couple of the mods if we can have a raffle or something with the proceeds going to Drews family to help cover costs etc. I have a couple of knives i can donate towards it. Awaiting a response still......... fingers crossed :)
this sad accident happened right on my door step shame we never had the chance to meet .
Maybe another time another place bud i'll take you up on that pint.
A few of the forum members have suggested planting a tree in Drews memory at Merthyr Mawr where the bushmoot is. A nice long lived native to be put where he used to camp. I think a Yew would be fitting. Cyclingrelf found this info: The world’s oldest wooden artefact was a yew spear found in Essex, and estimated to be 200,000 years old. The wood is so hard that a yew fence post is said to outlive one made of iron. Other uses include domestic utensils and bowls, furniture, dagger handles, cogs and wheels and parquete floors. So in later years perhaps another young bushcrafter may harvest a branch to make a handle for a knife and that handle will carry a little of the spirit of chaos that was Drew...:D
what can i say that hasn't already been said as i write this i'm in tears for the loss of a bright star in our community, I've known drew from the last two moots and all i can say is that he was a wonderful lad full of life, i know he had his problems but people who know me will tell you I'm very tolerant and never really noticed it , he lent me his book scouting for boys even though he didn't know me that well that was the type of lad he was a trusting innocent full of life ,once met never forgotten type of lad.
i will remember him in his hat and his flowing black cloak with its red lining that he was so proud of telling everyone that toddy did it, and the cloak pin dave bud made for him. These were the ways that drew intertwined himself into our bush crafting community. i shall drink a toast to you tonight drew and wish you sleep well and rest around the campfire till we all meet again rest in peace my friend .
my thoughts are with all your family and friends at this very sad time my best regards dave 53 R.I.P DREW DUNN RESPECT
Now, I can't really say much as I am new to this forum and never had the chance to talk to Drew. However, I can see from the replies that he was a thoroughly decent bloke with unbeatable passion. I pass on my sincere condolences to his family and hope he will enjoy himself in the big campfire in the sky.

RIP Drew,

The first Moot I went to I met Drew. He said he thought that I would be a 6'6" royal marine sergeant :o and when he met me he told me this; then he said, "but you're not, you're lovely", and gave me a hug :o and proceeded to try to steal my seat....for all of the ten seconds he could actually sit still :rolleyes:

I had agreed to do a cloak making workshop at the next Moot. The idea was to show how simply they could be made, and especially safe ones for children. I think I had eight different types that I was going to show and Drew asked if he could have a cloak. I said okay but it had to come to the Moot as an example. I was thinking a blanket cloak, like the hillcloak that Dharma makes.....Drew had other ideas :D

That imagination of his took flight :rolleyes: and I didn't have the heart to say no.
So, a black wool cloak became a very full black wool cloak, then it became a very full black wool cloak with a red satin??? lining, then a very full black wool cloak with red satin lining with hidden pockets to carry a bunny or a bottle :rolleyes:

I told him I was pushed for time, so it'd be a basic machine sewn one, but I needed an idea of size and shape, and how I described him, about 5'10" and narrow built somehow didn't please him. He said he was broad shouldered, 6'2". I thought, "well young men grow", and since my youngest is 6' and broad shouldered, the cloak was duly made using him as my model.

I got to the Moot....and Drew was still a beanpole of a lad a bit shy of the 6'. Gilly Claycomb (bless her :) ) spent hours fixing that cloak so that he didn't trail half the campsite along with him as he ran around like a woolly batman :D :D He loved that damned thing. Then Dave Budd sold him the cloak pin. This is a family forum so I shan't comment more, but that pin was a piece of erotic art :rolleyes: but it was the one Drew wanted, so Drew got it :)

Maddave asked if I had any scraps....well we certainly did from the hem reduction, and I made a cape for a crusader mug from Drew's cloak for him. Something army joke like I suspect, "The caped crusader" :)

Drew liked people, he liked being around people, he was like the energiser bunny until he finally crashed for sleep. Masses of enthusiasm, would have done anyone a good turn, but he definitely got his own way in a lot of things.

Like the cat in the hat, the cloak and hat would appear and cause mayhem :D

I think his soul loved those quiet times he finally achieved though; swinging in a hammock, out with his camera, finding a focus, trying to tame that wild imagination and energy.

Drewdunnrespect. The one and only.

Miss you Drew, and we will plant trees in your memory :D


p.s. That's a cracking photo SOAR :D I think his Mum and Dad would like that one :)
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.