The first Moot I went to I met Drew. He said he thought that I would be a 6'6" royal marine sergeant

and when he met me he told me this; then he said, "but you're not, you're lovely", and gave me a hug

and proceeded to try to steal my seat....for all of the ten seconds he could actually sit still
I had agreed to do a cloak making workshop at the next Moot. The idea was to show how simply they could be made, and especially safe ones for children. I think I had eight different types that I was going to show and Drew asked if he could have a cloak. I said okay but it had to come to the Moot as an example. I was thinking a blanket cloak, like the hillcloak that Dharma makes.....Drew had other ideas
That imagination of his took flight

and I didn't have the heart to say no.
So, a black wool cloak became a
very full black wool cloak, then it became a very full black wool cloak with a
red satin??? lining, then a very full black wool cloak with red satin lining with hidden pockets to carry a bunny or a bottle
I told him I was pushed for time, so it'd be a basic machine sewn one, but I needed an idea of size and shape, and how I described him, about 5'10" and narrow built somehow didn't please him. He said he was broad shouldered, 6'2". I thought, "well young men grow", and since my youngest is 6' and broad shouldered, the cloak was duly made using him as my model.
I got to the Moot....and Drew was still a beanpole of a lad a bit shy of the 6'. Gilly Claycomb (bless her

) spent hours fixing that cloak so that he didn't trail half the campsite along with him as he ran around like a woolly batman

He loved that damned thing. Then Dave Budd sold him the cloak pin. This is a family forum so I shan't comment more, but that pin was a piece of erotic art

but it was the one Drew wanted, so Drew got it
Maddave asked if I had any scraps....well we certainly did from the hem reduction, and I made a cape for a crusader mug from Drew's cloak for him. Something army joke like I suspect, "The caped crusader"
Drew liked people, he liked being around people, he was like the energiser bunny until he finally crashed for sleep. Masses of enthusiasm, would have done anyone a good turn, but he definitely got his own way in a lot of things.
Like the cat in the hat, the cloak and hat would appear and cause mayhem
I think his soul loved those quiet times he finally achieved though; swinging in a hammock, out with his camera, finding a focus, trying to tame that wild imagination and energy.
Drewdunnrespect. The one and only.
Miss you Drew, and we will plant trees in your memory
p.s. That's a cracking photo SOAR

I think his Mum and Dad would like that one