Do you carry a FAK?

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I always carry a small amount of First aid equipment on my person, pretty much all of the time.. A roll of plasters, a small pair of nail scissors, anti-septic cream and some anti-bac' gel but when I go camping I carry a "Active Max First Aid Kit (Series 400)" which cost me £5 because the saline solution was out of date by a month.. Still haven't changed it :p

I'm in the market for another FAK so I can leave this one at home and throw the other one on the side of the bergen/day sack.
In all honesty I'll probably get another Series 400 + another tube of anti-septic cream and find an issue FAK bag to keep all the stuff in as I dislike this bright green colour as it makes your kit stand out too much when wild camping :bluThinki

Question is do you carry a first aid kit? If so what one? or is it a home-made put together kit?
I keep a wee tin in my pocket with enough meds for four days.(I don't know why I chose four? Maybe if feel if I can't get to a Doctor or Chemist within four days what's the point!)

When away from home there's some rudimentary kit with me, up the hills or in the wilds I have a kit which is not bad and there's one in the car too.

Think it's fairly important when camping as there are axes and knives being used, though touch wood not had any excitement that way so far.
I have a decent size one in the car, and I always take one if I'm a day out. If I've got the kids it's probably the first thing on my checklist.
I dont carry one on me but my work bag is always in the car (or in the house if I dont have access to the car) so Ive got everything from plasters and crepe bandages up to iv fluids, airway and intubation kit.
Not a first aid kit as such but I do carry a little plastic plaster shaped box of plasters that I got on a first aid course last year. It is so small and slim it fits in the same pocket as my SAK and torch.
I use a self-made FAK and have it with me for anything but the shortest of dog walks; over the years I've developed the habit of keeping it with my knife, axe and carving tools so whenever I have my pack on with those in it, the FAK is automatically with me.

I have an inordinate fear of a situation arising where I could have helped somebody in trouble, but didn't have the kit with me.............Not to mention my own and the dog's safety! The great thing about even a good comprehensive FAK is that they weigh little or nothing, so there's no excuse, really.
I keep a small altoids tin with some EDC essentials.
Tweezers, antiseptic whipes, antiseptic plasters and basic pain killers.
Not as much as I should!

Not every day, just overnighters. I'm probably being naughty, ill start carrying it more.
Gloves and CPR barrier on my key ring and a couple of plasters and OTC meds in my wallet. If I have a bag or I'm travelling then more depending on how the mood takes me up to my work kit that's a 2 or 3 bag set up for remote or hostile locations, weighs over 50kgs and is really only any use at a base camp or operating from a vehicle.
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I think its best to always make you own up. It usually cheaper and at least you know the quality of items and buy the one;s you really need the most.
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I have a small Aloksac with plasters, melolin pad, micropore tape, 1 use wipes, steristrips, small pair of scissors and some pain relief. Usually goes everywhere with me. Carry a larger version in the car with more of the same.
A lot of the bigger kits have a lot of gear that most folk don't know how to use/apply properly. Do folk know how to use everything in theirs? I agree with others though that all kits need supplemented with other things. Like spare medication if your on it and also making it specific to what your doing. Like maybe something for treating smallburns if you'll be using a stove or having a fire. Anti diarrhea tablets in case food doesn't agree with you. Hydration salts in case of diarrhea or heat exhaustion, that sort of thing that doesn't come in standard kits.
I have made up FAKs for almost every time I go out and they range from a couple of plasters etc for my daybag up to satchels for group use.
If I have a knife on me I have a FAK as well!
I carry a FAK all the time in the Landy as I am in Rover Rescue..

I have one with me all the time when I am out and about Playing as such, if I am bushcrafting, doing Archery, ect I have my main one and an ouch pouch as well..


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.