comic book favourite


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
2000ad comics were great! ABC warriors and Stainless Steel Rat stories especially. The paperback book of Jim DiGriz were really enjoyable. I never really got into Strontium Dog, or V but the Judge Dredd stories were OK.

Spiderman was always my fav though, along with Conan. When the film came out I dreaded it, but thought Arnie did a pretty good job. Toby Maguire on the other hand needed a slap.

Modesty Blaise. I never really got into the comics but the books? Sheesh! I've read them to death.

Calvin and Hobbes have me laughing out loud. If you like them run a search for Frank Cho's Liberty Meadows. They've gotta be my favourites for the pant wetting laughter they induce.

There were several comics I read as a kid, progressed up from Beano and Dandy, I so wanted to be Billy the Cat. Then I discovered the Trigan Empire in some old Look and Learn comics and consigned The beano thereafter as a childrens comics after that.

Another character who springs to mind from my childhood was The Spider. He had a widows peak haircut and look liked Spock's creepy brother. To this day I can't be sure if he was a goodie or a baddie.

How about Dan Dare? I wish I'd got into that series but it was a bit before my time.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane folks

My Favs. Spiderman, Conan, The Hulk and Don Lawrence's Carrie :eek:
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May 11, 2009
Planet Earth
Of course later he developed a taste for ladies underwear.....

Totally with Nat on this one -

I had to go digging through my old progs - :AR15firin King of the BFG - Joe Pinapples is the man!



Jun 12, 2005
Hertfordshire (UK)
Prince Valiant for the excellent Hal Foster artwork

Far Side for the clever and quirky humour

Early Conan comics for the John Buscema artwork and Frank Frazetta covers.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Thrud the Barbarian


Hehehehehe now that's a man with taste! Thrud hehehee got that book on my shelf. Were-Hamster :D

Doc mentioned online comics, has anyone read the Gone with the Blastwave series? It's only 42 pages and well worth the time investment. Have a gander here:

And if you're a fan of Lord of the Rings films and RPG's (Role playing games) check this out. It's an epic though and addictive but very funny, at least I found it so.


Feb 14, 2006
Batman is my default answer to this type of question so I don't have to spend 20mins explaining who he is.

I read a lot of Gen13 in my teens for obvious reasons:D


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