Nah, you´re too complicated. I don´t want to play with you. 

Or its too complicated. It's really sad when people make such a lame.Yesterday, I watched TV for an hour or two, at my friends home. Not something I usualy do, I'd gone up there to help out with a few jobs around the smallholding, before they went off on holiday. Normaly I'd have been out of the house doing stuff, but it was much too hot to do much, I had sweat dripping off my nose, just picking the beans! That is not usual for September.
Watching , I could not believe the amount of natural disasters happening around the world.
Stuff I barely hear about with my trusty radio.
There was 1 comment that realy struck me, this has been the hottest year every recorded since records began over 250 years ago.
I saw pictures of crops destroyed by lack of water and dried up river beds, people queuing for a bucket of water saying they barely had enough to drink, let alone wash.
Because these are images I don't normaly see, and I'm not fed them on an hourly basis, it was realy striking to me.
My local river is fuller than normal this summer, it's knee deep where it is usualy only ankle deep, because we've had such a wet summer.
Last year my local reservoir was half full,
Both things I've never seen in 23 years of living here.
We are in trouble, just because we are not queuing for water, our crops are not fried to a crisp, and things seem relatively OK, doesn't mean we are.
The government put windfarms out to tender, but recieved no bids. As a soundbite on the news, makes it sound that nobody is interested, the truth is, the terms or whatever, were not viable, which is why no bids were recieved. Sorry, I was guilty of not listening at this point, as I had recieved an overload of information, so I didn't take in all the details, but, I could see straight through the gov tactics, it suddenly hit me.
Change the rules so that just one objection will not stop a windfarm, offer contracts for 20 new windfarms, with terms that make them unviaible, so nobody will take them on, and hope those with a tick tick attention span will be convinced they are benign and it's others who are being the problem.
Only a year or so ago we were talking about keeping global warming to 1.5 degrees. And this or that needs to be done by 2050, then it was 2030, now we know we have already reached the 1.5 in only a few years.
Only a few years ago, everyone was taking the p@**out of greta, now suddenly her words are coming out of the mouths of politicians who ridiculed her.
I've been saying for many years it's too late for that. We are now on runaway global warming.
It's such a mess. A good friend of mine agrees with me totaly, and talks of needing to have drastic action to mitigate this problem, runs two cars, and has just gone on their hols, flying abroad for two weeks in the sun. I do know they realy need a break, having worked awful hard for months, but even those that see the problems have some disconnect, and cannot change behavior. It's like people are hypnotised. Such as when you see pictures of people on a beach, just standing and watching as a huge sunami wave rolls towards them, instead of running for their lives.
It realy annoys me, when climate anxiety is pushed as a mental health problem, as if those that worry about it, are the ones who believe in fairies!
Not worrying about it, is what got us here!
It's fine, and the links are on here to watch, so no hassle.I'm really sorry admins, I only posted the links to these videos. I don't know how this jamboree happened.
If anyone can get rid of the big bits and leave the links for others to follow, I'd be very appreciative.
Again sorry and if you can alter the post, please do
Yeah I get that.
I rather doubt it.Yeah I get that.
And I presume there is no possibility of discussing how we try to survive it without it degenerating?
Thank you. I have read thoroughly the many, many, many posts where this occurs (all sorts). I'm sorry it must be so tedious to have to deal with this sort of thing, but I guess that is how it goes on a large forum.I rather doubt it.
There are even fewer Moderators active on the forum than there were in 2019 and folk that get passionate about the subject (any subject) are more than capable of filling two or three pages with mud slinging in between mods checking in on a thread.
Very likely to be the warmest year on record. With half the year of data now available, Carbon Brief has determined that there is now an approximately 95% chance that 2024 will beat 2023 and be the warmest year on record, based on Copernicus/ECMWF's ERA5 dataset.24 Jul 2024
State of the climate: 2024 now very likely to be warmest year on record - Carbon Brief
In the latest “state of the climate” quarterly update, Carbon Brief assesses the first full six months of
Of course it was going to be the hottest on record and it is causing the AMOC to shut down, hence the UKs terrible summer. No one is asking you to believe it.
Anyone noticed the lack of insects?
Very likely to be the warmest year on record. With half the year of data now available, Carbon Brief has determined that there is now an approximately 95% chance that 2024 will beat 2023 and be the warmest year on record, based on Copernicus/ECMWF's ERA5 dataset.24 Jul 2024
State of the climate: 2024 now very likely to be warmest year on record - Carbon Brief
In the latest “state of the climate” quarterly update, Carbon Brief assesses the first full six months of
Of course it was going to be the hottest on record and it is causing the AMOC to shut down, hence the UKs terrible summer. No one is asking you to believe it.
Anyone noticed the lack of insects?
I've definatly noticed the lack of bees and butterflies in my garden. Only cabbage whites, and those only in the latter part of the summer.Anyone noticed the lack of insects?
From what little I've seen of Le Loup's posts I would have said the opposite was true. A post by someone who lives a more natural life and is more exposed to the changing climate?The original post was a deliberate intentional click-bait attack designed to create divisive views and division within this otherwise mild community. It follows a familiar format, well known to security services.
Anyone noticed the lack of insects?