Why Milankovich cycles can only contribute to warming now is due to CO2.We are in a relative Co2 famine. 420ppm is only 0.04% of our atmosphere. Plants thrive at 800 to 1200pm, almost doubling yields than current levels. Commercial greenhouses pump Co2 into them for this reason. As a result of increased Co2 and warmth, crop yields are rising and world famine deaths are falling. If C02 levels fall to 150ppm, crops can no longer support agriculture, at 100ppm plant life begins to die.
Fx9tL9fXgAEIXyi by Mark Hill, on Flickr
Using 1850 as a start point for global warming is also a misleading start point as we were only just coming out of the little ice age at that point. It was supposed to get warmer. It will get warmer still. I see the Milankovitch cycle get mentioned, but not the Bray and Eddy solar cycles which are the current climate drivers.
F1wwJ7DX0AEg7oi by Mark Hill, on
We will not be having any more Ice ages for quite some time

Why Milankovitch (Orbital) Cycles Can't Explain Earth's Current Warming - NASA Science
In the last few months, a number of questions have come in asking if NASA has attributed Earth’s recent warming to changes in how Earth moves through space