Bear Grylls The Island series II


Jun 28, 2014
Strathclyde, Scotland
This should be fun. Judging by what i have seen so far all i can say is, thank Christ i never got through. I would have buggered off to the other side of the Island by now just to get away from the bickering.

Through some Personal experience i know how hard rain and damp can effect your psyche, especially when you are alone, but man, they are 4 days in and 13 people still havn't knocked up decent sleeping accommodation...Get a grip...who picks these people.?

Insel Affen

Aug 27, 2014
Tewkesbury, N Gloucestershire
It's been said before a do I'm sure will be agin, but they do not pick people who will sort themselves out, screw the bobbin and survive. They want car crash TV because that's what sells. If everyone was a survival expert or at least had a clue, it would make dull TV and that doesn't sell.


Jul 24, 2014
It's madness. Soon as they made the fire they should have made a shelter to protect it.

I'm also majorly annoyed at a few of them as well...especially the self imposed "leader" of the group


Jun 28, 2014
Strathclyde, Scotland
I quite enjoyed it ...opps

well lets say I was not expecting much and it was better than that :)
Yes, Idiots suffering gets my vote.
You know, at my interview i was asked to talk for 60 seconds. That was the interview process for everyone. I decided to go first just to get it over with.
I started out with snippets about myself and family etc then answered my own question..The Island and why i want to give it a go?...all i could think of at the time was that i must have an effing underlying brain disorder..Maybe i scared them off with my honesty. :lmao:
Jul 30, 2012
The Island and why i want to give it a go?...all i could think of at the time was that i must have an effing underlying brain disorder..Maybe i scared them off with my honesty. :lmao:
Sideways glances at each other, thinking "cripes, we've been rumbled" is probably what that caused.

That one builder is definatley a mole, and probably very experienced in bushcraft whilst playing dumb. First aid too for him. There's always one to help grease the wheels.
Jul 30, 2012
Yes, Idiots suffering gets my vote
do you reccon we could get ray mears to do a bcuk island?

we could make it functional and smoothly operated and make it interesting as long as we go somewhere nice. I think that the public would quite like to see it. Coracles rafts shelters hunting foraging cooking, if all done correctly would be just as entertaining as watching idiots suffer


Jun 28, 2014
Strathclyde, Scotland
Yeah, same show. This video kinda sums up what Bear Grylls is about...Show business. I'm sure you can watch it on Channel 4 catch up TV online if you so wish BTW.


On this weeks show, (The Guy's Island) they had a meeting where everyone said, if the Builders leave then they would all be as well leaving, I strongly disagree, if the Four Camera men leave on the other hand, they would all be as well leaving. lol

It's hard to work out who's genuine and who's not, my guess would be at least half are part of Bear's team.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2006

XRV John

Jan 23, 2015
Don't worry "Hollywood" happens to us bikers too!

Best example is Mission Impossible 3 I think where there is a bike chase on road and dirt where the bikes change tyres from street rubber to full off road knobblies during the chase!

Yeah I know it's not reality TV but to Joe and Josephine Normal they might think they can buy a bike that can do that.

And don't get me started on Biker Boyz !!


bushwacker bob

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 22, 2003
do you reccon we could get ray mears to do a bcuk island?

we could make it functional and smoothly operated and make it interesting as long as we go somewhere nice. I think that the public would quite like to see it. Coracles rafts shelters hunting foraging cooking, if all done correctly would be just as entertaining as watching idiots suffer
Probably very similar.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
I watched my first whole BG program all the way through the other day when I was stuck in the house with a dicky tummy. "Mission Survive", it was the last in the series and it played to the (seemingly ubiquitious I'm told) lowest common denominators and included a segment where he simulated an equipment failure on the unsuspecting contestants during a 100 abseil. He would've gotten a punch in the face if he'd done it to me. I don't like all the close ups of anguish, drawn out pauses and cod moralising. But then it's why I don't have a telly. Don't think I'll bother watching another.

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.


Full Member
They have a sat phone but I doubt you'd get insurance for the show unless there were some trained staff in the group.

Insurance the curse of the planet.

Yes you're probably more than correct as under the law the production company will have "duty of care" to the contestants. The likelihood that they are alone is not just unlikely, it just ain't gonna happen. Duty of care means that everything that they require has to be there along with the expertise to use it.
May 12, 2014
West Yorkshire
Not a fan of BG at all, he sold himself out to the TV companies and Gerber putting his name on anything he can all in the name of making a few quid, some of the things he does on his shows are totally moronic and just plain dangerous, making clueless people thinking its ok to do stupid thing like jumping 20ft off of a cliff into water not knowing how deep it is all in the name of tv viewings. If you watch the early programs he did like when he joined the Foreign Legion they were quite good, he came across as a completely different guy in those, he needs to go back to that kind of thing not all this macho carp that he does now.


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