Bear Grylls injured


Sep 14, 2007
Atlanta, GA
I've typed and deleted this once, but decided to post.

Found on internet:
he(BG) wrote: 'We have been hampered by the strong winds today, which have stopped us getting into the high mountains. The winds race from the South Pole outwards and when they race you really know about it.
'If the winds abate we will grab our opportunity and move in to the high mountains tomorrow. If not we'll start this tricky procedure of getting the jetski and inflatable down to the water... the Russian scientists have got wind of everything that we are up to, which has apparently confirmed in their minds, that the Brits are mad: 'nobody takes a jetski to Antartica or tries to rest on a vertical ice edge!'.

His forte is do or die which I am sure is true of the SAS.
But suggesting to kids (and big kids too) that drinking your own urine, in a survival situation, is a good thing is really taking the ***s; swimming down a raging river pretending not to have a pfd (I wear mine outside my shirt); and swimming blind through a tree choked wash beggars belief ( I know enough about diving not to attempt this with scuba gear let alone breath holding ) are 'correct' survival tactics is wrong and I suggest dangerous to Joe Public.

9 out of ten of the 'sheeple' who I have encountered only want to know if I drink my own ****. I don't go out into the wild to 'survive' but to enjoy nature and not fight it/her.

I wish Bear a speedy recovery. I don't want anyone to be hurt...

And I do watch the "Man vs Wild" show, but as I've posted before, it's more entertainment than educational, much like watch Pro Wrestling isn't going to teach me anything.

As for the reason for the quote, I usually watch Bear while the wife's asleep on the couch. She's woken up enough to know Bear, although he disgusts her, as she ALWAYS refers to him as, "the guy that drinks pee."



I watched one episode and saw so much downright dangerous advice I haven't watched since.

If that is how he normally acts then I'm not the least bit surprised he's injured himself.

In common with most people here I would not actually wish him harm but I'm certainly not going come over all sympathetic because he's hurt himself.

The man's a :)censored: son of a :censored: politician ) and even if he chooses to remove himself from the gene pool, then I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.


Dec 15, 2005
I`ve never met the guy myself but I have read a lot about what he`s achieved in his life and most of it is applaudable. I don`t take his advice on jumping off cliffs and eating anything that becomes available but I`ve still got a lot of time for him.

Lets not start another mob linching thread eh guys ?


Jan 13, 2006
As i have said before, we all have our place, I think Bear does a great job of bringing one of the many threads to the fore.........I would n't want any harm done to him, or any of the others who go out on a limb to bring us new experiences or insights into the wider world. I think it's a shame that people hold certain practioners in a demi god like status........come back down to earth, i think we would all look like planks at some point or another if we where in the same boat, anyway as paul weller once said " That's entertainment" :)

Speedy recovery Bear if you readin................;)



Full Member
Mar 16, 2008
flippin` eck. People are going on like he is on his death bed or something.
He probably just needs some ointment on it.
Jul 15, 2006
As most people have said, I wouldn't wish an injury on anyone, but I'm not surprised he's come a cropper if his antics on the TV are anything to go by.

I personally don't hold him in high regard, but that is of course only based on his TV persona. He might be a really nice bloke in reality, but it does grip my excrement when he keeps going on about "When I was in the Special Forces." He was TA SAS for gawd's sake and only for 3 years at that. My reckoning is that he can't have completed more than 150 - 200 days reserve training with them at most, which is 7 months "on duty" time at most. I'd be VERY surprised if he had any "operational time" under his belt at all.

Equally, his exit from the TA due to a "broken back while parachuting" sound like a bit of an exaggeration as, in his own words, "It took me three months to recover." Sounds more like a cracked vertebrae than a "broken back."

None the less, I wish him a speedy recovery and no lasting ill effects.


Need to contact Admin...
Aug 16, 2006
England's most easterly point
Guys, guys, please a bit of respect here: this is far worse than first thought:



CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA – “Man vs. Wild” star Bear Grylls was airlifted out of Antarctica over the weekend after sustaining a shoulder injury.

The Discovery Channel issued a press release saying only that Grylls was not filming for the popular TV show, and that he is on his way home to the UK for treatment. There was no explanation for why he was in Antarctica or how he was injured.

However, Weekly World News has obtained an exclusive interview with one of Grylls’ travel companions, as well as a photo revealing the star’s adversary: a yeti!

According to Mr. Steven Vacchs, wildlife photographer, a small group had traveled into the Antarctic wasteland with Grylls to promote the use of alternative energy, such as solar-powered base camps and bioethanol powered jet skis.

While on a break, Grylls decided to entertain the crew by digging up a seal corpse to point out the different parts they could eat. Due to it being frozen solid, Grylls reverted to beating it on a nearby rock to try and get at the blubber inside.

Unbeknownst to Grylls, a nearby yeti became infuriated by his waste of the precious cryptid’s main food source and charged at the survivalist. The two tussled for the better part of ten minutes. Grylls commanded the crew film the fight, during which he gave helpful tips on yeti behavior while dodging its vicious claws. He also managed to remove his shirt at some point and repeatedly aimed his six-pack at the camera.

The yeti finally tired and loped off, clearly unimpressed with the British adventurer’s skills and physique. Only then did Grylls allow the crew to carry him back to the base camp to be airlifted away.

Vacchs provided notes in Grylls’ handwriting of his plans to release the video as a Discovery Channel special, with possible titles:

Man vs. Yeti
Ultimate Cryptid Championship (UCC)

:D :D :D

falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
Like the fella or not, he's done some stuff I could never do, and I suspect most of us on here will never do.
Fair play to the bloke, he's just making a living the best he knows how, and taking advantage of opportunities as I suspect all of us would.
He's a bit wild for my liking. I reckon he could make a great series if he toned things down a bit and stopped drinking the 'red bull' that he must be on. He certainly knows his stuff anyone has to admit that, just he could do so much more with his knowledge in a more relaxed way.


Sep 18, 2006
Cornwall, UK.
...He certainly knows his stuff anyone has to admit that...
Pah!.. All I've seen is a plethra of dangerous advice given out as 'survival techniques', this dosen't make me believe he really knows his stuff, I'd rather go off my own knowledge thanks, im sure I'd know how to stay out of trouble better :rolleyes:

I wouldn't wish injury on anyone and I hope he repairs, but my mind cant help but suspect his injury might have happened due to the lack of respect he gives nature and the silly way he acts, then again we dont really know do we!


Apr 14, 2008
Does the TA actually HAVE an SAS. Anyway, Ive forced myself to watch around 2 minutes or so from the new series and it appears that he has read some bushcraft and/or survival books because he seems to be regurgitating all the pages he has read. Either that or he is simply re filming RM's programs.

As for his injuries, why did he have to be flown back. Surely he is able to use his "highly accurate and useful" knowledge to deal with the situation. If a man bashes his head against a brick wall on purpose, don't expect me to feel sorry for him when he develops a headache.



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