Are you a Swiss Army Knife owner?

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Do you own (or have you owned) a SAK?

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Scruff showed me a couple of his SAK's the other day, the one I really liked was the metal gripped painted metallic red one, that had just a spear point and a saw blade. What more do you really need for a quick jaunt in the woods?
I answered as yes used to own one but I have just found one in my old knife box, well I think its one, it has loads of things in it but has a sheild on the outside with a X and a crown not a sweedish +??:confused:

Its like a sheild with a crown on the top and inside the sheild a diagonal cross in it

I have had a huntsman for years and have just bought a Black Trailmaster in Germany which appears to be the forester over here.

I love the 4 inch locking blade on it much more solid than the 3 inch.
Got my first Wenger SAK today, the little nail clipper model. I was just curious to see the differences between them and Victorinox.
Quite a marked difference in quality imho, (Wenger has better tweezers perhaps), so I don't think I will be buying any of the larger Wenger knives, Victorinox is always first class.

I've had a Huntsman as my EDC for a year now. Managed to misplace it for a few days the other week and I was lost without it. It's amazing how much you come to rely on them :p

Had some early Christmas prezzies so I have readjusted my carry.
The Classic SAK has come off my key chain and been relaced by a Wenger Nailclip (OK bulkier but I really wanted the clippers and the scissors are a vast improvement).

For EDC theres a Victorinox one hand Trecker on a paracord lanyard (shame about the black scales but no biggy) (£12 from Amazon in the US, a mate forwarded it airmail for about $7, not that I paid, the nice man!)

And for EDC when theres any chance of being stopped a Victorinox Soldier also on a lanyard..


I have a Victorinox Handyman from 1994 which I actually brought in Switzerland when inter-railing around europe in my student days. Engraved with my name too.
I prefer my Leatherman Supertool tho'. More robust you see.
I've got four. Acquired them all along the lines of:

"what can we get that awkward old b****r for Christmas? I know, he's always out in that b****y tent of his..."

Not complaining though. Always keep one in the car and one in my first aid kit (the one with the scissors).
I bought a SAK, partly to see if they were up to the hype and partly to comply with UK carry.
Gotta say that my initial thought that they were a crap multitool disguised as a crap knife were confirmed.
Much rather have a decent Leatherman and a proper knife in my pocket rather than something which tries to be both and fails.
Without digging them all out there must be at least a dozen SAKs.
At least four classics including
one with glow in the dark scales
One with Edelweiss one the scales
one with a small red LED instead of the tooth pick
one with Qantas printed on one side. (also a Wenger with clear scales)
micro champ
Swiss champ.
OHO Trailmaster is often EDC
a couple Swiss cards including the lite ones ( one of those in my wallet)
there is a first pocket knife in the kitchen with the can opener constantly deployed ( I've given up on fancey can openers.)
Both types of Swiss tool. Which is my prefered multitool.
There is a huntsman in one of the dashboard hidy holes of my car.
and a traveller Leather belt pouch with huntsman, Maglite solitaire and the compass,thermometer,magnifying glass,ruler thing from the SOSchamp.
Our eating cutlery is Victorinox and two of the butchers knives in the kitchen are Vics.
P.S.Ready for an opinion?
I think the Leatherman range of multitools are over rated. Tim Leatherman deserves a Noble peace prize for the concept but his design team needs six months in a North Korean gaol for constantly trying to re-invent the damm things. I spent 12years in the security industry basicly six as a doorman and six as a Mobile patrolman. If it hadn't been for my multitool there are jobs I would probably still be stuck on.
The charge series rrp was $AUD250 part of the justification was the cost of the Titanium scales the titanium has been dropped in favour of Aluminium but he price hasn't changed. The current top of the line XTi has three inter changable screwdriver pieces one micro for your glasses. and two that are exactly the same ( each takes an interchangable bit) at the expense of the scissors.
You loose some of the plier surface for very neat crimper. 18years since I brought my first tool I would call them indipensable but I have only once had to crimp an electrical fitting. The tool at the time didn't have that crimping surface but the pliers worked just fine. And the job was done.
IN MY OPINION the purpose of these tools is to get you out of trouble or to save you walking back to the toolbox. Not as the be all end all.
I do like the leather sheath system. However.
It has taken till last years model releases to get a cutlery grade steel on the primary knife blade untill then ( and still now if you don't get one of the premium models) the plain blade won't hold an edge worth a damm.( yes I can sharpen Look at my Avatar I can take a fillet out of a piece of photocopy paper with any of my general use knives)
No you don't get the one hand opening blade pioneered on the Wave series that most brands have copied but I don't care because I normaly have a one hand opening folder with me any way.
I have used Leatherman, SOG, Gerber, Kershaw and the Victoriox multitools and for a good spread of tools good solid lock up and value for money
IN MY OPINION The Victoriox mutitool wins hands down.
I've had a SAK (only ever a Victorinox) in my pocket pretty much every day for the last 25 years (back then it wasn’t such an issue for a kid to carry a knife in school, in fact my CDT teacher taught me the value of stropping the blade – using the palm of the land was his recommendation, a little dodgey perhapse, but it works) they have been part of my everyday apparel for so long now I feel undressed without the familiar weight in my pocket.

If memory serves the first was an 'officers knife' - lasted a few years before it got lost. Since then it’s always been a 'champ' – I did have the survival kit for a while, but the pouches back then were not that good, and it fell apart pretty quickly, so the knife went back in the pocket, and the pouch in the loft (where I think it may still languish)

A couple of years ago I added a spirit multitool to my belt and that has become a pretty permanent fixture as well. The ratchet has proved very useful and tougher than its size may imply.

Combining the both there aren’t that many jobs that ‘pop-up’ that can’t be performed with a little ingenuity and patience: I’ve taken the tops out of trees, and built tree houses, and as time has moved on, repaired cars, built model helicopters, repaired fishing rods, built computers, cleaned and skinned small game and gutted fish - Hell I've even sharpened a few pencils :D

Granted the blades don't hold an edge that well, but there is something rather therapeutic about putting a decent edge on a blade, so for me doing it regularly is hardly a negative.
Used mine today to -

cut small kindling for a kelly kettle
stir my tea
cut an apple up
pick a tooth after some apple skin got stuck
clean a nail of dirt
write down grid refs of path/track junctions (scoping for MTbing)

I used a cheapy copy for a while, but the joints loosened up to the point where I could open the blade by holding the knife vertical. then I used my leatherman clone, which is still going. when that needs replacing I'm looking at getting a proper SAK (either vitrinox or wenger)
I carry a swisschamp to work but for the last couple of weeks on holiday it's been replaced with a farmer.



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