Are you a Swiss Army Knife owner?

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Do you own (or have you owned) a SAK?

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IMO the Farmer is possibly THE best SAK there is. Great for EDC, small, safe and reliable. Much better built than it's plastic scaled cousins.
I carry a Victorinox Rucksack, it's a bit bigger than the classic sak so it fits a bit better in my hand imo. The knife locks and it has all the basics I often need and no useless stuff I'd never use... Very happy with it and basically lives in my pocket :)
I've got a new 'best SAK ever'.

One of these:

All of the useful tools and none of the guff, the awl is better at the end IMHO and there is even a version of this + a saw.

For some reason it's called the 'electrician', which might put some people off.
Got one, at last! Funnily enough, I've poted for the same one as The Ratbag, a complete coincidence as I didn't know he carried one.



Alox Farmer. Didn't look in this thread beofre choosing neither, although it seems to be a popular choice.
Ive got the Camper. Rearly like the Farmer but just wanted the extra shorter knife for whittleling, and the corkscrew for the odd time I buy decent wine. Thinking of rehandleing in wood though.
Same one as mad dave the spartan, usually in my pocket at all times but I have to be careful as I fly alot !!
I have used it for about 8 years, replaced the scales when they broke and keep it scarily sharp, it seems to keep a good edge.
I've got three currently.
a swisschamp that lives in a pocket of my satchel, an executive that is an occasional edc, and a Huntsman that I need to find a use for, but I got it cheap online.

If I need a specific tool for a project, I go get THAT SPECIFIC TOOL instead of trying to use some simple poor knock-off of it. The rest is just excess weight to lug around - and most being used very seldom.

But that's just my opinion.

Mikey - that grumpy ol' German blacksmith out in the Hinterlands

p.s. Who has also "improvised" many tools on-the-spot to meet the current need.
I have two, though only one is an original the other is a cheep knockoff but does the job though I don't actually use them much any more and they live in the bottom of my drawer with much of my knife collection. as I usually rely on my hunting knife and penknife for most of my out door needs.
I have carried a Mini Champ on my keys for about 15 years now and a few years ago I found out about the Alox range.

The first Alox model I bought was the Electrician which is like the Soldier but has a small utility blade instead of the can opener,this has been my EDC for the past few years and I find the small utility blade very handy.

The small curved part of the blade used for stripping the sheath from electrical cables is great for casting sparks on a ferro rod;)

Since buying my first Alox model I seem to have caught the bug and have started collecting them the latest one I have managed to buy is a vintage red Farmer which is now my EDC.

I will take some pics of my full collection soon but for now here's a pic from a few months ago.

Left to Right = Electrician,Soldier,Red Pioneer,Farmer,Blue Farmer.
I'm in the Ron Hood school of thought on SAKs.

Wenger or Victorinox, Big blade, locking blade, saw. He calls the SAK as your "primary knife."

I have a Rucksack that sits on a shelf. I replaced it with a one handed Trekker. It has a phillips head screwdriver which allows me to carry the smaller Mini-Leatherman that is without this screwdriver.
I don't disagree - my favourite SAK is in many ways my Wenger Ranger 57.

However over here you can't carry a locking blade without immediate need so I carry a non locking Huntsman lite for that

So its one of these.........


I have a few- one lives in my climbing sack, one in my walking sack- that way I never forget them. And one in my response pack for bushcrafting, and one in my desk at home, and a mini one in my day to day bumbag..............
They are just too useful to be without.


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