A couple of small leather bottles. Perfect size for that favourite tipple...


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Aug 16, 2006
England's most easterly point
I went to a car boot sale a couple of weekends ago, and, along with a big hammer and a nearly new wood rasp, I bought a small aluminium double boiler. I prompty filled it with beeswax and, to test it, I decided to make a leather bottle. It had to be fairly small, to fit in the boiler. I ended up making 2 small bottles and a small cup.

To make them is the same principle as in Eric Methven's leather bottle tutorial.



The bigger one holds about 220 ml, the smaller about 100ml. Perfect for carrying your favourite tipple, methinks! I had intended to have the small cup fit on the top of the bottle, but it ended a little too small...:rolleyes: The Oak plugs were turned on a lathe, warmed up a bit and also dipped in the beeswax.

Thanks for looking.


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