Survival situation - what would you do?

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Use the gun to stop the loud mouthed idiot that's just drunk the vodka, from dragging everyone out into the desert to die.

Make a parachute shelter and wait for the rescue spotting planes or choppers then signal with the mirror.

You've got enough water to survive three days, even in the desert if you have shelter.

I'd probably send the loud mouthed idiot to the mining camp with the compass, the map with our position marked on it and the empty vodka bottles full of water. You never know, he might make it and I'll just have to live with my conscience if he doesn't
Just received this, any one got an idea of which part of this thread they're talking about, seems very heavy handed and also non specific to me, although one does get used to letters like this it' always much more helpful when they tell you what text etc, this seems to imply that the whole thread is coming under copyright infringement....
*** Sent via Email - DMCA Notice of Copyright Infringement ***

Dear Sir/Madam,

I certify under penalty of perjury, that I am an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the intellectual property rights and that the information contained in this notice is accurate.

I have a good faith belief that the page or material listed below is not authorized by law for use by the individual(s) associated with the identified page listed below or their agents and therefore infringes the copyright owner's rights.


This notice is sent pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), the European Union's Directive on the Harmonisation of Certain Aspects of Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society (2001/29/EC), and/or other laws and regulations relevant in European Union member states or other jurisdictions.

Furthermore, the intellectual property identified on the listed page may not be copied, reproduced, edited, translated, or otherwise used in violation of Section 113 of the U.S. Copyright Act, Title 17, United States Code.

This notice is written without prejudice to any of the copyright owner's rights and positions, all of which are expressly reserved. Please acknowledge receipt and compliance within 5 business days. My contact information is as follows:

Organization name: Attributor Corporation as agent for Human Synergistics, Inc.
Phone: 650-340-9601
Mailing address:
119 South B Street
Suite A,
San Mateo, CA 94401

My electronic signature follows:
/E Siddiqui/
E. Siddiqui
Attributor, Inc.

Infringing page/material that I demand be disabled or removed in consideration of the above:

Original Work: Desert Survival Situation
Infringing URL:
Not sure squire, if you google the first line of the situation Bob put up it looks to be all over the web.

Maybe contact the admin on some of the other forums and see if they've had the same email?


If it is that you could either delete the content or re hash it so the thread still makes sense, or just nuke the lot of it :)
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The most they could claim rights to is perhaps the original question if that has been copied exactly but all responses cannot be subject to that copyright as they are original material.

Having said that they have provided no evidence that they possess rights to that material as far as I can see.
wikipedia said:
Attributor is a provider of digital content protection for the publishing industry. Its products enable publishers to identify and verify copy infringement, enforce authorized use, analyze market demand and monetize digital content.

Don't they have to show you what its infringing on?
Irrespective of US law, the OP was provided with the material in the UK, is resident in the UK, and posted the thread from within the UK, and UK copyright law allows the reproduction of otherwise copyright material for, among other things, research purposes.

In the circumstances, the material was posted on this thread for the purpose of eliciting the opinions of a group of persons who could reasonably be considered to have expertise in the subject discussed in the material, and thus falls within the definition of research, in that the OP is seeking the opinion of experts in the subject.

Before anyone asks, I'm not a lawyer, but I used to be a professional photographer, and intellectual property law was something I worked with on a regular basis, otherwise I'd have lost a lot of business.

Survival scenarios like this have been knocking around for decades and are used by many trainers from CRM to simple youth teambuilding. They are similar despite the setting being the boreal forest, desert or even the moon.

I wrote two - a Borneo based jungle survival scenario for the O & G people I did training with and a desert island one. I think the Jungle scenario predates the publication of Nunan's Sahara scenario.

If anybody wants either of them together with real experts opinions just PM me or, if it is okay with Tony, I can put it on BCUK in this or a separate thread which I prefer.
I have heard of this survival scenario and one thing makes it pointless. Regardless of your order you still get all of the 15 items. :)

There are no real difficult decisions in that scenario aside from whether to stay put or start walking. The item list is a bit daft too.

What I'd do is grab the gun and the water and run off north-east with the compass and map. :lmao:
Gosh, this is an old thread and a surprising turn of events.

Not sure I can contribute any more to your question Tony. The original post was just to elicit peoples' opinions on the question and how they would have answered. This is completely different to the original intent as that was to see how people approached the answer and worked together. The actual answers were irrelevant.

If it's any help I dug out the original notes from the course and there is nothing on there claiming copyright ownership so I am assuming that the company who were running the course were also in breach of copyright if it existed at all.

I have no objection in you removing the thread if you are concerned. Up until this point the last contribution was in 2010 so I think it's run its course and made for an interesting discussion at the time.
Don't worry mate they would be the laughing stock among trainers if they sued.

There was so much similar stuff out in the public domain before that one was published they can be accused of Plagiarism.

Gosh, this is an old thread and a surprising turn of events.

Not sure I can contribute any more to your question Tony. The original post was just to elicit peoples' opinions on the question and how they would have answered. This is completely different to the original intent as that was to see how people approached the answer and worked together. The actual answers were irrelevant.

If it's any help I dug out the original notes from the course and there is nothing on there claiming copyright ownership so I am assuming that the company who were running the course were also in breach of copyright if it existed at all.

I have no objection in you removing the thread if you are concerned. Up until this point the last contribution was in 2010 so I think it's run its course and made for an interesting discussion at the time.
LOL, the same 'test' is used in Nurse training often as a part of 'working in a team' test. Its been used on and off for a few years now.

It seems to get around - I was given the same test recently on a 'team leadership' course, and I work in telecoms! At the time, I disagreed with some of the 'model answers', and after doing some research, I still do!

Edit: Sorry - just realised how old this thread is! That'll teach me to post *before* I wake up!
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LOL, the same 'test' is used in Nurse training often as a part of 'working in a team' test. Its been used on and off for a few years now.

Quite a few years! I was using this on courses over 20 years ago:yikes:
I think it was originally penned by a USAF survival expert.
Would use the vodka and the batteries from the torch (along with the hinges from the sunglasses) [battery and wire to get spark/fire] and a bit of chute to make molotov cocktails for quick and dirty fire, rest of chute for shelter. coat to make a solar distill, knife to carve up some cacti into spears to use to get food.
This 15 year old thread is being resurrected by me because I keep getting threatening letters from
Michael Kern, J.D.
Human Synergistics, Intl.

I've had 8 emails from them telling me to remove copyright material. It's standard letter.

What I find interesting is that the OP (Bob) was writing about his own experience of the course and if anything it's a promotion of the course/company.

So that everyone is aware, we are not passing off anything from Human Synergistics as ours, no one is passing off anything as theirs so please do not presume we Bushcraft Uk or any of the members here are doing so. :encourage:

THIRD & FINAL NOTIFICATION! (Actually the 8th!)Copyright Infringement for Desert & SubarcticSurvival Simulation​

Subarctic J&J only

We are writing a third time to inform you that your organization’s website currently features unauthorized content related to our product, Desert and Subarctic Survival Situation. This content is owned by Human Synergistics, International and is protected under United States copyright law.

The unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of our copyrighted materials without our prior written consent constitutes a violation of Human Synergistics, Intl.’s intellectual property rights. This infringement is a serious matter, as copyright laws under the U.S. Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. § 501) protect our content against unauthorized use. Violations may result in penalties, including statutory damages up to $150,000 per work in cases of willful infringement, as well as potential liability for legal fees.

We ask that your organization immediately take down all materials related to Human Synergistics, International’s Subarctic Survival Simulation from your website and any other online platforms controlled by your organization. Failure to comply may result in Human Synergistics, Intl. taking legal action to protect our rights.

I have a good-faith belief, and am sure that the disputed use is not authorized by Human Synergistics International.

The above information is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, Human Synergistics International is the owner of an exclusive right that is infringed, and I am authorized to act on the owner’s behalf.

Please confirm in writing or by email that you have removed all infringing materials by February 10, 2025. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Michael Kern, J.D.
Human Synergistics, Intl.
39819 Plymouth Rd
Plymouth, MI 48170
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This exercise and many many like it have been used for many years.
I first saw something very similar at a training centre in the 1980’s
All these folk have done is make it American by specifying the Sonora Desert etc.

Edited to add:
In fact it isn’t even a survival exercise. The more people that don’t know about survival the better it works for the facilitator. It’s supposed to be a team building exercise or a team skills audit.

It’s main function is to allow the facilitator to look knowledgeable when they disclose the “right” answer at the end.
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