Telemark History Trip

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.


Life Member
Dec 4, 2008
Part 1- Planning and Preparation

Following on from Twodogs' Solo expedition last year to Norway,

and his tales around the campfire , it was provisionally suggested for a trip later on in 2010.


Twodogs' and myself have decided to get nostalgic and head off on a budget trip to the Telemark region of Norway and throw in a load of wild camping whilst we are there.


The aim of the trip is to take in the scenery, test out our equipment and skill sets and a load of wild camping.

The 8 day itinerary is:

1. To travel through the Telemark Region and the Hardanger plateau


Rjukan cable car web cam

2. From the Plateau, slowly work our way down to the Hydro Electric Plant that is now the Norwegian Industrial Workers Museum famous for the production of heavy water in the 1940s this was distroyed in a daring raid by the heros of the Telemark .

All this for the measly budget price of £200 all in per person. Not bad eh?

£70 Return flight from Liverpool to Oslo
£100 estimated Return internal train and bus fares
£30 Travel insurance

An initial kit check and weigh in was done today, Tues 1 June . Luckily Twodogs has the use of a School Hall and we made great use of it.


Due to Ryan Air's weight restrictions being 15 Kg hold luggage and 10 Kg carry-on, we have cut back as much as we can without forgetting this is a holiday and comfort is still high on the agenda.



It was so much easier to see what we had individually packed for the duration and we then set to work being brutal, removing any unnecessary doubling up and cutting out on items not required.

If you have any questions on items of kit in the pics, ask away.

Total weight of kits:

MartinK9 - 18.5kg Including Food



Twodogs - 15.5 kg No food included



Kit layout:









Food Requirements

Due to us going off grid, and cost of food in Norway, it was decided to take all our food with us for a 6 day period. It consists of the best of several Nations Military rations including:

Brit Army boil in the bag
Brit Army Arctic Rations
Norwegian Army 5,000 Calorie Rations
Dutch Army Extreme Cold Weather Rations


As mentioned above, the total for 6 days rations is 3.5 kgs per person


At present this is where we are at, just the Kroner to get and then wait out for the flight with Ryan Air out of Liverpool in August.

Hopefully these threads can inspire some people to get out and give it a go, with Google Earth, the internet and webcams to assist it really is as simple as it sounds.

The itinerary, kit carry and ration choices above are ours, and work for us, some may or may not agree with our choices, that is down to you.

Keep tuned in for when we get back.


Martin aka MartinK9 and Cliff aka Twodogs
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Wow that's some pretty impressive organisation! I'm doing a two week trip to Norway in July, but that's a hut based family holiday, although I will probably bunk off with the hammock for the odd night.
Have a great trip, if you're going to the moot would be great to hook up and swap Norway info.
Sounds superb lads, Norway is one place I really need to visit.

How are you travelling about on the plateau then, is this a winter skiing trip ?
Have a good trip lads, the type of thing id loved to do,im also keen on Military history.Cant wait to see pics when you get back.

Can't wait myself Andy :D

Wow that's some pretty impressive organisation! I'm doing a two week trip to Norway in July, but that's a hut based family holiday, although I will probably bunk off with the hammock for the odd night.
Have a great trip, if you're going to the moot would be great to hook up and swap Norway info.

David, no sorry not going to the Moot, too close to the actual trip I'm afraid. Hope you have a great Trip too. :)

Sounds superb lads, Norway is one place I really need to visit.

How are you travelling about on the plateau then, is this a winter skiing trip ?

Shank's Pony, we'll know more about weather conditions and any kit adjustments required closer to the date. :)

This site we'll definitely be looking at:
Your gonna have a great time. That's one area I'd love to visit after reading the books on the subject. Take plenty of pics and don't lose your knife.
Excellent. Just excellent.

Twodogs has much to answer for with his solo Norway trip - it was also the inspiration for my recent trip to Finnish Lapland.

Good luck guys, and we look forward to seeing the pics.

And to anyone else thinking on similar lines - seize the day! Ryanair fly cheap to Scandinavia. Scandinavian countries have lots of wild country, and a decent public transport system. Getting there is far easier and cheaper than you might think.
The Hardangervidda is aweinspiring, I am itching to get back there some time.

Telemark is beautiful.

You have to buy some heavy water from the power station that got bombed in the 'Heroes of Telemark' film, they sell it in small glass bottles.

I didn't get any, deeming it too expensive but I wish I had done-it would be a great souvenir.

Good luck on your trip-I am literally green with envy. :approve:
You have to buy some heavy water from the power station that got bombed in the 'Heroes of Telemark' film, they sell it in small glass bottles.

I didn't get any, deeming it too expensive but I wish I had done-it would be a great souvenir.

Someone gave me one of these last year. It certainly would be the perfect momento.
You have to buy some heavy water from the power station that got bombed in the 'Heroes of Telemark' film, they sell it in small glass bottles.

I didn't get any, deeming it too expensive but I wish I had done-it would be a great souvenir.

Someone gave me one of these last year. It certainly would be the perfect momento.

I can feel a group buy coming on, postage might be a bit heavy though :rolleyes:

:sulkoff: Getting coat


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.