Flu virus, now even I'm worried!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 9, 2008
I've been told that if someone in my area dies then the whole school gets shut down and our AS predicted grades will become our results eek! Intrestingly enough my school has a history of surviving pandemics, when typhoid raged the country the WHOLE school moved to wales, to borth! You can read about it here if you like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uppingham_School so looks like the likes of john fenna will be fine, the flu never gets to wales!


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
My medical freinds have nothing to say, so I guess there is nothing to worry about.

Alcohol hand cleaner did well as a fire lighter on the weekend though.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 12, 2005
South Marches
I guess, that's a good idea, "I guess" is the best way of dealing with an international crisis.

Mind you it does make a good fire lighter, have done it myself several times, much better than Maya dust I guess as I haven't used that stuff.:lmao:


Full Member
Mar 31, 2004
Norfolk U.K.
A "Pandemic" is when the bug spreads from person to person and quickly.

It does NOT take into account the virulence of the virus.

Any hysteria is caused by the meeja and more and more these days, uninformed websites.

The government (of any flavour) is obliged to take measures to deal with the worst case scenario BEFORE it occurs.

You can imagine the Daily hateMail headlines if the bug turned nasty and HMG hadn't acted.

We are most likely in a pandemic situation now and we will have a resurgence probably about August. By then we will have an effective vaccine and have even less to worry about than we do now.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
Like the "Gov't" protecting us bit with leaflets for votes it seems quite likely!
i remember now, they sent round a similar leaflet around just before the turn of 2000, because of the dubious "the millenium bug", and also just after the London terrorist attacks (which pretty much just told everyone to stay at home!).

I quite like conspiracys( can't spell it though) ;) , but it seems every continent is effected, and normally stories like that stick to the odd country or two. but this seems to be world wide.
so far the only area unaffected seems to be 3rd world countries (apart from S.america) that don't have much media coverage/ or Airtravel.

If the various world Gov'ts were covering up "something" bigger, the "something" would have to be XXXXING HUGE!

:lmao::borgsmile :BlueTeamE :theyareon :yikes:
AAAAGGGHHHH!!!! It's an alien takeover!!

Black Sheep

Jun 28, 2007
North Yorkshire
Just received an email at work ( I work in a Hospital) Not a great deal more to say than the media.

But it did include details of the national flu help line............

"The national Flu Information Line is now up and running (0800 1 513 513). Patients are asked to ring this line as first resort."




Full Member
Mar 31, 2004
Norfolk U.K.
Like the "Gov't" protecting us bit with leaflets for votes it seems quite likely!
i remember now, they sent round a similar leaflet around just before the turn of 2000, because of the dubious "the millenium bug", and also just after the London terrorist attacks (which pretty much just told everyone to stay at home!).

I quite like conspiracys( can't spell it though) ;) , but it seems every continent is effected, and normally stories like that stick to the odd country or two. but this seems to be world wide.
so far the only area unaffected seems to be 3rd world countries (apart from S.america) that don't have much media coverage/ or Airtravel.

If the various world Gov'ts were covering up "something" bigger, the "something" would have to be XXXXING HUGE!

:lmao::borgsmile :BlueTeamE :theyareon :yikes:
AAAAGGGHHHH!!!! It's an alien takeover!!

Damn, we are discovered, prepare to vapourise the planet.


Sep 5, 2008
Interesting to see everyone concentrating on the evident fact, that we are unlikely to die from this.

This of course is not the real problem.
It is more a case of if this comes back with a vengeance in the autumn,(which seems likely if you view previous flu episodes) there will potentially be a lot of people affected.
Ergo a lot of people off work and unable to perform their normal duties.
This kind of situation could lead to a lot of disruption in normal deliveries and services.

Add to this the British penchant for panic buying at the first sign of a problem,and there you have it ,shortages of food and other goods.

But then that couldnt happen,could it.
After all this is the UK and its never happened before,has it?:rolleyes:


Full Member
Jun 24, 2008
St. Helens
Add to this the British penchant for panic buying at the first sign of a problem,and there you have it ,shortages of food and other goods.


I think that's because we like our comforts more than most cultures (except perhaps the yanks).

We Brits also have a penchant for shrugging our shoulders when someone tries to terrorise us (not meaning you), and for finding humour in adversity.


Full Member
Mar 31, 2004
Norfolk U.K.
Interesting to see everyone concentrating on the evident fact, that we are unlikely to die from this.

This of course is not the real problem.
It is more a case of if this comes back with a vengeance in the autumn,(which seems likely if you view previous flu episodes) there will potentially be a lot of people affected.
Ergo a lot of people off work and unable to perform their normal duties.
This kind of situation could lead to a lot of disruption in normal deliveries and services.

Add to this the British penchant for panic buying at the first sign of a problem,and there you have it ,shortages of food and other goods.

But then that couldnt happen,could it.
After all this is the UK and its never happened before,has it?:rolleyes:

Don't forget that by then we will have a vaccine that will prevent so many infections.


Sep 5, 2008
I gather that you are a medical man.

But you should know that there is no guarantee that if the virus returns in the autumn,there will be a viable vaccine available.

So IMO will should be may.



Dec 11, 2006
There is no guarentee of a vaccine and there is no guarentee that Tamiflu will remain effective so there is genuine cause for concern. The trouble is is we do manage to swamp each outbreak in the UK with antivirals then folk will say "Oh it was just a panic over nothing"

Much the same was true about the Y2K bug 'scare'. People forget that companies spent many millions of ££ checking code so that when the clocks tripped over from 1999 to 2000we did not have a widespread failure of our IT infrastructure. The problem didn't fade away we worked through it!

A virus is pretty much the ultimate parasite. It uses your own cells to reprodue it's DNA and they are natural genetic engineers. This one has genetic elements of swine, bird and human flu. I watched the WHO staff announcing the move from phase 4 to 5 I thought you could sense the weight of the announcement on them. If they get it wrong they are accused of spreading panic but if they don't do it they will have failed to warn nations.

Epidemiology all comes down to probability and statistics. It may not happen but if it does it would be nice to have a plan.



Jan 5, 2009
Kansas USA
Vaccines have to be made in huge amounts and this means that they have to start early. In order to start early, one must "guess" which way the flu is tending to mutate. If you guess correctly, the vaccine works. If you guess incorrectly, the vaccine doesn't work, or you may hit anywhere along a continuum of effectiveness.

Only time will tell how this will all play out. Panic will do no one any good and will do a lot of harm. Conversely, sticking you head in the sand and pretending there is not a problem isn't a very positive reaction either. But at least no one will be coughing in your face! lol


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
The bottom line is you can only spread these sort of things if your in contact with people whilst ill,eg people these days are to scared to go off sick incase they are sacked or replaced whilst off,or if your selfish enough to go to public places whilst having flu! personnely all my doors are sealed shut with tape and i have a large supply of MOD rations and meths for my trangia and im not leaving this room for 2 years!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
i have a large supply of MOD rations and meths for my trangia and im not leaving this room for 2 years!
so you have 730 army ration boxes? so this room you have, it's a sports hall?:lmao:
over £3,000 worth if you bought them at a cheep £5 each!!:rolleyes:
don't forget to store a sack full of vitamins, and laxatives! otherwise you'll get ill! (good luck!)

so, technically speaking (to the medical guy's...)

Would it be better to catch the current virus so your body can be used to it and be treated.

or stay completely away from all possible virus contact?

I.e. get ill and possibly stronger/ or lock yourself away and wait for a possibly stronger strain?


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