What have you done for the Environment Today?

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Lego can't win really can they - fantastic product: same design for decades, lasts forever, and children from 3 to 93 play with it. But, it lasts forever. We'd all complain if it disintegrated after five years. I bet they're thinking about it though -- maybe they just take old Lego back and re-use it.

And there you go :)

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Lego started as a company making wooden toys. Perhaps a sustainable forest producing sustainable wooden Lego????
I have grown three sweet chestnut trees from some I got just before Xmas to roast on the fire. I'm now on the lookout for suitable planting spots.
Our local council are a bit handy with the strimmers and seem to wear a blindfold while strimming. Everything goes!
Waiting for tree planting time in the autumn and I'll plant them. Have two possible spots so far.
Mostly a muse - but maybe this could ( should ) become a running thread?

I saw this long running thread :- https://bushcraftuk.com/community/threads/what-did-you-buy-today.70299/

And I just thought , well, that's very commercial isn't it? I mean , its in essence about being a Consumer.

Now I'm not on a massive rant about people buying stuff ( been more than guilty of that myself ) but as I get older I now ask myself ( and this may sound kooky ) about what sort of relationship I want with the item I'm buying??? Does it have too much packaging ? if I buy it I am now RESPONSIBLE for the actual recycling and disposal of that - etc.

So as we are all Bushcrafter's I'd like to pose a new question - WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT TODAY??

Could be as simple as picking up litter or rubbish on a local walk , but hopefully is could be something more interesting as planting trees , organising a community rubbish collection , cutting back invasive non-native species etc.
Picked up rubbish left on a path meters away from a bin.
Burned my unrecyclable card........made a pile of branches for the insects to invade...
Well, not today, but I left a decent row of mint to flower on the veg bed this year. It's absolutely choc full of various hover flies and other insects and a hornet hunting the aforementioned beasties.
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Have you tried eating the seeds. Never thought about it before. They’re delicious. Hats off to Toddy for pointing me to them. The white ones are best, before they turn black.
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I just went to check my Premium bonds because I had a win notification.

However at the time of checking I noticed the NS&I will soon be releasing a 'Green' Savings Bond for those who maybe interested.

( I've not read the small print yet )
I can't take credit, the better half did this, but bearing in mind we reside in the city, she's been planting what she can on our little roof terrace bit and today for the first time we've seen some bees buzzing about the flowers she's put there!!! Very happy to see :)

She's put some bird feeders out but the feathery friends have not found them yet... :( Wonder if our certain little 4 legged terror - ahem, terrier, is patrolling too much for them..
I’ve started using a double bladed safety razor to cut down on plastic waste. Third shave with it and it’s getting smoother and no nicks or cuts.
Nice, Have you looked at shaving cream/soap with brushes? I moved to safety razors mostly due to cost and then I had a look around the bathroom and there are all sorts of propellants in deodorants and tinned shaving gel. Plus it becomes a bit of a nightly ritual having a proper shave with razor and brush.
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