Dear Sweden, May i have one of your forrest houses please.


Jun 28, 2014
Strathclyde, Scotland
Sweden has houses in the sticks they are giving away. You dont even need to be Swedish to get one. The last residents were not happy with the accommodation offered and have demanded that they be housed in the big city. Apparently the woods are dark and cold and it's something they are not used to.

So Sweden if you are listening, Please can i have one of your properties in Limedsforsen. i promise i wont complain. i promise to get on well with the locals, i'll even try and learn the language and integrate into the Swedish way of life.

I have Blonde hair and blue eyes, love Abba and i have been known to suck the stuff out from inside a crayfish body cavity from time to time. Freddie Lundberg and Henrick Larsson are two of my favourite footballers and the only football jersey i posses is a Sweden international one. I also sleep in a Ikea bed. i consider myself half Swedish already.

Yours Sincerely Stevie777, but you can call me Johan if it makes it easier.


Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
Shhhhhhh Stevie, you'll start a housing boom. Just buy one quietly, and keep it under your hat. :)

BTW I fel the same as you, maybe we should all start a commune?


Full Member
May 23, 2014
Talk about being picky, all we had i wor a lad was a tea chest with fifteen of us inside it.........and we were grateful

"Its this or nothing"
I'd give em half an hour then drive the bus back to the docks


Full Member
May 23, 2014
well, i say a tea chest....more of a dead fox that we used to stretch between the curb and the road side. We just called it a tea chest so folks dint think we was common


Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
You want to live in the woods with other men you met on the Internet? :D

Imagine if you could hire a cabin, in a remote spot like Alaska. You were flown in, and each man had a trapline, heading in diferent compass directions. And each man had a skidoo, or dogs, and you spend a whole winter, or season in Alaska, with three or four like minded fellows, with plenty of good tales, and scotch each night, around the stove. They were long days, each man on his own, tending his line, and hunting for caribou.

Probably be the best winter of your life.

It would have to be very manly, with beards that would scare bears.

I dont think Im a modern man at heart. Whatever that is.

[Probably have to be a well ventilated cabin though.]
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Full Member
May 26, 2015
Imagine if you could hire a cabin, in a remote spot like Alaska. You were flown in, and each man had a trapline, heading in diferent compass directions. And each man had a skidoo, or dogs, and you spend a whole winter, or season in Alaska, with three or four like minded fellows, with plenty of good tales, and scotch each night, around the stove.

Probably be the best winter of your life.

It would have to be very manly, with beards that would scare bears.

I dont think Im a modern man at heart. Whatever that is.

It's all fun and games until the fire goes out! :eek:

Reminds me of the man who moved into a remote cabin and his next door neighbour comes to invite him to a party.

The neighbour warns though that when the party gets going there may be some drunkenness, there may be some fighting and by the end of the night there may be some nudity.

Man asks his neighbour how many people will be at the party...

...neighbour replies "Just you and me!"


Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
There no politically correct way for a VERY heterosexual man to to answer homo erotic jokes! No comment.

[When we go canoeing mate, you're bringing your own tent right? :yikes:]
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Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
I feel ill now.

I grew up in the early seventies, where most of the stuff on the BBC would be banned these days, by the BBC. Then came the days of political correctness, which in itself is a good thing. If it means, just being civil, courteous, polite, tolerant, even compasssionate to anyone and everyone, whoever they are. But its been twisted into something else, by local and central government, a means of controlling the population, via social experiments, by unqualified people without any scientific evidence of what the outcomes will be. And some of the results have been truly horrific.

.......and.....Im .......out. :D
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Full Member
May 26, 2015
There no politically correct way for a VERY heterosexual man to to answer homo erotic jokes! No comment.

[When we go canoeing mate, you're bringing your own tent right? :yikes:]


You started it with the whole men, alone in the wilderness with nothing but beards!



Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
Beards and CLOTHES Dewi. You'd be a bit dead without the CLOTHES mate....:lmao:

I must escape this thread.......:theyareon


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.