Climate Change I hope this is not to political but it is so important

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Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
That'd be me then - to be honest I did try and keep the thread on topic but it went rapidly downhill when conspiracy theories and "Hidden agendas" reared there ugly heads. At that point you cannot have a rational discussion as there is no basis in fact to any of the thread. Those that don't subscribe to a doctrine are held as ignorant and the thread reaches it's inevitable ugly conclusion. It's pointless even debating with someone who claims the sky is green and the grass is orange and everyone that thinks different has not seen THIS video, or read THIS paper....

At that point it all went "wibble".

Engaging in circular arguments with conspiracy theorists who rally against the establishment simply because it is the "establishment" is a waste of time. What I do find offensive is that person branding anyone unwilling to read the pamphlets and watch the videos as unaccepting of the truth and therefore ignorant/dumb/blind/zombies/sheep.

It's just plain rude and boils down to this:

"I know the truth, I present it to you, you disagree with it, therefore you are dumb - open your eyes! You wont sit through my hour long video presenting the facts about why the grass is orange? You don't want to accept the truth".

And in this case it is accompanied with a diatribe loaded with language intended to accuse anyone who believes differently of being the aforementioned: ignorant/dumb/blind/zombies/sheep.


What on Earth are you bleating on about? Sounds like you have well and truly fallen for the propaganda and have had the wool pulled over your eyes whilst you get fleeced by the Wolves of Wall Street (Die Crapio) I wonder if all those German Ewes were thinking it was just a conspiracy theory as they were herded into the cattle trucks or if they had woken up by then and were calling for their Mummies, maa maa maa! I highly recommend 'The Book Thief' by the way. It shows how dangerous zombified sheep are who are sure the establishment is right and know the Government has nothing but love for them. I have no problem with Government, I just have a problem with evil corrupt Government, don't you, or is it just a conspiracy theory that any Government has ever become corrupt and turned bad? Obviously the adage that 'Evil men prosper when good when do nothing' is just hokum right?

“The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then.” Thomas Jefferson

What is highly irrational and shows a shocking ignorance of History is a seeming denial that conspiracy has, does and will exist. It is unusual in History and Politics in fact for very real conspiracy to not be behind many events. History books, admissions, diaries, testimonies, documents, eye witnesses etc. all testify to the fact of Historical conspiracy. You seem to think that because someone speculates and vocalises a conspiracy theory on whether or not we went to the Moon or whether the Greys are probing people up the wazoo that any mention of conspiracy is proof of irrationality. That is in itself highly irrational when confronted by a mountain of historical evidence and testimony. That is willful ignorance in the face of abundant knowledge which unsurprisingly prompts people who have done their due diligence and have seen the evidence first hand to consider those who refuse to see what is right in front of them as obvious ignorant zombified sheep. IGNORant, stress that which it is referring to, to IGNORE the truth. I used to be an ignorant zombified sheep too, come over to this side of the fence where the grass is actually greener, num num num. History, tastes good, yum! If it is something you don't feel comfortable with it may be that you have been introducing it through the wrong end.
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Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
I personally think climate change is one of the lesser of the affects that man has inflicted on the planet. Sea acidity due to all polution (sulpher dioxide, carbon dioxide) is a major problem. Acid rain happened and there is no denying that (<). Modern commercialism is creating piles of rubbish. Chemicals being released into the environment, all along with rising disease and allergy levels. I think we'll poison the earth long before we all drown. And if we act soon enough the climate change will stop, and be left unseen in the face of other far more effectual factors like the suns mood and the earths orbit.

Wobble !

Yup, there are far more import things to worry about that climate change. It is about time this hot air CO2 bubble burst! POST-GORE AND THE COMING CARBON CLIMBDOWN

The Sun-Earth electrical connection is far more influential than CO2.
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Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
Sir Fred Hoyle as a reference to a theory? (And I liked the apparent quote of his criticising others for sticking to outmoded ideas - his ongoing support for the steady-state universe in the face of overwhelming evidence of the Big Bang hypothesis is almost the classical definition of refusing to change with the times/evidence)

Funnily enough, I remember reading a book of his on the steady state/continuous creation universe when at school (in between learning Latin, of course:) ) A good read, if I remember correctly, but has been thoroughly discredited through further observations - cosmic background radiation, quasars etc. And I'd put my money on Steven Hawkings over Sir Fred any day of the week!

Like Cometary Theory the Big Bang is dead it just doesn't know it yet! Evidence is showing Quasars are proto-galaxies born from their parents. Their brightness is normal and their red-shift intrinsic. There is no overwhelming evidence of the Big Bang. I would suggest you put your money on Hoyle, Hawking is an idiot and now a laughingstock after appearing in dumb adverts. Einstein I have a certain amount of respect for even though he was wrong, Hawking, well he is spiraling around his own black hole and about to disappear up his own posterial region. Hawking's name may well be expunged from the History books as an embarrassment unlike Hoyle and Arp. Universe - The Cosmology Quest.

As for Whibble Whobble Whipple (or Fred as he was known to his friends), wrong as well.
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Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
Change the record
So far you have given us:

The universe works radically differently and 99.9% of physicists are in denial.

The need for climate change action is being pushed by a totalitarian bunch of environmentalist facists and doesn't really exist.

Our education system is manipulated by an elite to keep the masses servile.

Kids are taught (in school) that the only way to deal with the planets problems is to curb the population.

There is a global organisation of elites running everything.

Steven Hawking is an idiot

When someone presents you with conspiracy theories for EVERYTHING the tendancy is to believe nothing.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 20, 2007
Why should the thread be locked? Don't read it if it bothers you.

Wacky ideas but no more so than the idea that waving your hands over someone can cure them.


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
I have to admit that i'm really quite conscious where threads like this go in their meandering, although most often they don't really meander so much as get shoved off track with a tank, so I'm actually fairly upbeat about this thread in as much as it's not become a personal war between people with them throwing vitriol filled Molotov's at each other followed by the "I know where you live and I used to like you till you had a different opinion than me, how dare you, I'm not coming for tea and scones there!!!!" attitudes that prevail when religion, politics, environmental issues and sometimes other issues that are very individual to the individual getting uptight.....

Anyway, I would like this thread to stop going down the route of slagging people off, making statements about their intelligence (even if they make mistakes they really are more intelligent (in many areas) than most of us, their knowledge etc etc. There's a difference between "I don't agree with so and so, because of this fact" and "He's a idiot" when more often than not he's not an idiot at all, it's just a bit too general to be comfortable on my forum, I'm sure you all get the point i'm making...the difference between a well measured remark and a generalised slagging off of others with different opinions.

This thread does seem to be getting to the end of it's life, which makes me sad, we all too often let threads carry on running, hoping that one day in our lifetimes a potentially contentious subject thread will be born that goes against it's genes and social norms and emerge resistant to people's moods, whims and hangups that all too often ring the bell of doom. Ahh, another hope raised and then squashed like a pesky bug....we the admin and mods seem to live a life of dashed hopes....but i'm sure that one day such a thread will emerge to reward our patience.....maybe.

Anyway, I'm waffling on and i've really not got time to and maybe I should be a lot more serious about this, but when we are serious that seem to upset people as well, so, umm, maybe the people are hard to please....could be.

So, I think this thread probably has run it's useful life, maybe it could just die a death rather than us close it, or have to completely remove it when people start saying what they really feel about each other :D

Here's hoping.....


Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
Why should the thread be locked? Don't read it if it bothers you.

Wacky ideas but no more so than the idea that waving your hands over someone can cure them.

The big guy has spoken and I respect that so it has been fun and some cages have been rattled just to check their contents, the micky has been taken sometimes justifiably, sometimes not but I'm out now, had got pretty bored with skewed interpretations and the run around anyway, the ribbing though amusing at times can also come across a bit OTT. It is too difficult to discuss things with any effective comprehension across this medium, better around the camp fire with a couple of beers or preferably bears! Gudnite, I'm orf to my ammock. :hammock:

Oh actually with the mention of scones Tony, you've reminded about the clotted cream in the fridge, that will do for supper, ummmm num num num.
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Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
Change the record
So far you have given us:

The universe works radically differently and 99.9% of physicists are in denial. Yes correct, the Universe does work radically differently and I thought it was Moses who was in de Nile!

The need for climate change action is being pushed by a totalitarian bunch of environmentalist facists and doesn't really exist. Not something we can do anything about unless you have found the remote for the Sun down the back of your chair (and I didn't say ichair) and I have given clear references about the drivers.

Our education system is manipulated by an elite to keep the masses servile. Once again I reference Gatto and Iservyt among many others. Oh and what I have seen for myself for decades of course.

Kids are taught (in school) that the only way to deal with the planets problems is to curb the population. I have seen some shocking stuff, not everywhere but growing examples. I won't reference them as you wouldn't seriously consider them or any other references so kind of pointless really. Oh go on then, just for some others interest. Just a warning though that though that this is unrestricted on youtube and children are shown much worse when shown 15 certificate Schindler's List at 12 at school (been there, seen that routinely done), I would say it is a bit gross and graphic at the end so adults only I would say unless under parental supervision (if there is such a general thing nowadays!) : Search: ' (HD) Shocking Global Warming Video As seen on Fox (Warning - Graphic) '

There is a global organisation of elites running everything. There has been for thousands of years, kind of becomes blatantly obvious when you seriously study History. I've given credible references for that too.

Steven Hawking is an idiot. Now you see!
;) And Hoyle and Arp were not.

When someone presents you with conspiracy theories for EVERYTHING the tendancy is to believe nothing. So I see!

Right then, we have both had our bats, time to retire to the pub for an ale or a J2O. I'm buying.
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Paul Webster

Full Member
Jan 29, 2011
I've just read through the last 6 pages of this and was quite enjoying it. As previously mentioned, its disappointing when a thread starts to devolve into personal attacks purely because one side or another is unwilling to accept a difference of opinion. Considering Midnitehound has been attacked on several fronts from different people I think he managed to keep calm and put his points across articulately and with passion. I for one am looking forward to sharing a burnt sausage (innuend&#333; - Latin?) around the campfire with him and continuing this conversation.


Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
I've just read through the last 6 pages of this and was quite enjoying it. As previously mentioned, its disappointing when a thread starts to devolve into personal attacks purely because one side or another is unwilling to accept a difference of opinion. Considering Midnitehound has been attacked on several fronts from different people I think he managed to keep calm and put his points across articulately and with passion. I for one am looking forward to sharing a burnt sausage (innuend&#333; - Latin?) around the campfire with him and continuing this conversation.

I believe that is pronounced 'in your end oh'? Something the Latins were renown for and obviously where the phrase 'up the Greek without a paddle' was also derived from. The problem of burnt sausages is only going to increase with Global Warming of course as we spend more and more time on the beach at Weston-Super-Sludge! I think the conclusive evidence that the Planet is in fact cooling is that sausages are blatantly getting smaller, at least for the Latins, or is that just because of the depression, oops I mean recession?

Seriously though, why don't we just spray millions of tons of Aluminium Oxide into the atmosphere if we want to cool the Planet, or even warm it up if sprayed at a different altitude. Simple and cheap, who cares what health and ecological effects it will have, at least we can play God and we will just be free riding on our grandchildren. I think we should just implement the program that the geo-engineers are suggesting and experiment to see what would happen to the Planet. We could even do it secretly if it would upset the sheeple, they'd never notice.
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Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
I sent Stephen Hawking an invite too. I think you owe him.

As long as he brings his own straw and doesn't text whilst we are having an adult conversation. Hey, invite Dawkins whilst you're at it, that way Hawking won't feel lonely sat in the corner, I'll supply the pointy hats and the crayons.
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Silver Trader
Jun 8, 2011
adult conversation?

Now now, Tony will spank you if you are naughty and I don't wish that on anyone. :p I would say Touche! but, erm, you missed! Only vaguely amuses a few times mate and then it becomes a little passe.

Of course I don't really want to resort to French because it may suggest like Latin that I've lost, or more accurately, run away from an argument. France is a great place to buy a secondhand rifle by the way, most are never fired and only dropped once. :rolleyes:

Anyway, what about Climate Change? Are the Martians warming their planet with all their ATVs? Should they be building windmills to tilt at or is the atmosphere a little too rarefied for that? Here is a great documentary suggesting how the surface features of Mars were formed: I have the full DVD if anyone would like a copy. How are the huge tornadoes driven on Mars when the air is so thin? How did the huge Valles Marineris form when there is no Climate like ours on Mars?
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