Gary, my sister is a seer and she confirmed what I had started to notice from encounters in my life who my "spirit guides" were, my "guides" made themselves known to me and all who were around me, it was almost painfully evident, but I was deaf and dumb to them, she just laught it off that I could not see it. The "guides" make themselves known to you in many ways you just have to look and listen in a different way, notice an animal doing something that is not its usual nature eg. speaking to you, socializing with you, etc... this would be repeated several times in different settings even when you are awake or asleep (they don't have to be the most physicly powerful because power comes from within and all have their own gifts to bestow) after a while you feel a common bond with it and would hear as in a (sub concious) voice or act, what wisdom it is trying to tell you. Or sometimes you can listen to a gifted elder or seer and they can point you on the right path ((offer a small gift to the elder or seer) (we use tobacco)). I wish RA would explain it better to you, he is a better "voice" than I, he can explain things easier I don't have that much talent in transfering my inner thoughts to my outside voice. Next time an animal comes close to you listen and look maybe it is trying to speak to you.
Squidders, you didn't get killed did you? from all the damage done you still have your humor and guile :super: guide: 1, car: 0
Guides come in all styles as I have mentioned to Gary.
just a confused thought :roll: