Previously, I've done a menu plan, and taken all the food on site, but with a longer Moot this year, I'm going to need to do a supply run.
I tend to take fresh meat and veg for the first couple of days then move onto preserved stuff (e.g. beef jerky can rehydrate in a stew, salami can fry up or go in a stew). Vegetables /fruit generally keep quite well.
I usually have a couple of rat pack type meals for emergency (e.g. if you're too tired by the end of the day to do a proper cook), but tend to cook from scratch.
I made flatbreads last year and am bringing along a lot more yeast /flour this year to do various breads and pancakes.
I'll be bringing a bunch or two of fresh herbs from the garden for the stews.
Lunch for me is the most awkward one to cater, so I've tended to end up with noodles. This year I'm bringing potted meat spreads and oatcakes.
I've always ended up cooking on the wood fire, but usually have a meths /gas cooker for backup.
Oh, and in my defence, I do like cooking.