What book are you reading at the moment?

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Reading two at the moment,
the first is The Gift of Fear, by Gavin de Becker.

I'd be interested in what you thought of that post read, I would like to say i found it interesting. Can't say i did.
The NRA Range Conducting Officers' Handbook.

Because I forgot to renew my certificate in good time and must retake the exam.

Its not Willy Wonker but I do now know that 150 Mils = 8.4375 degrees and not 9 as the manual states!

I've two books on the go at the moment.
The first is 'Camping and Woodcraft' by H. Kephart. I'm reading this one in small doses. Favourite quotes so far: "Some of our own people seem to get no satisfaction out of anything but chasing after dollars without let-up, save when they are asleep, in church or both" and "You may loan your last dollar to a friend; but never loan him your axe, unless you are certain he knows how to use it."

The second book is 'Ground Truth' by P. Bishop. Just started so no opinion on it yet.
Trawler by Remond O'Hanlon. Great Author

and the Boy's book of Angling by Robert Neil Stewart just because I found it while having a clearout and it brought back a lot of memories (I must have read it 20 times when I was a kid).
Two at the moment

Pigeon River Country: A Michigan Forest

And for the old school:
A Summer in the Wilderness: Embracing a Canoe Voyage Up the
Mississippi and Around Lake Superior (1847)
As I said above, I was reading "Otherland" now finished it... I have to say it was very hard getting into, not bad middle bit, looked like it was heading to a great ending, but for some reason it just stops. No conclusion, no cliff hanger.. just stops. Unless the copy I was reading is missing a chapter or two... bad Tad Williams, bad!

"...im also getting stuck into the long walk by Slavomir Rawicz, pretty good so far!:)..."

A film adaptation of this book is soon to be released...

Peter Weir (The Director of Master and Commander, Gallipoli and several other worthwhile films) has completed work on 'The Way Back' a film based on the book 'The Long Walk' by Sławomir Rawicz. It tells the 'true' story of six men who escaped from a Soviet Gulag in Siberia and traveled 6500 km through the Gobi Desert, Tibet and down into India.

The trailer for the film may be viewed here.

Looks quite entertaining and possibly has a few 'bushcrafty' elements.

However its worth pointing out that the story may actually be a fiction, or may be based on someone elses story, rather than the one told by Sławomir Rawicz, his wikipedia entry provides more information to any who may be interested.


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