What book are you reading at the moment?

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I've managed to find a copy of Life after Doomsday by Bruce d. Clayton in pdf format, looking forward to reading that when i have the time, I think someone on here recomended it, Can't remember who though, But Thank you, i've heard it's a good read
I like reading.

Currently the Millenium series again, gems survival book and sailing for dummies.

Most of my books are in the attic, but I have 7 6ft long shelves in the lounge that hold the ones I read most.

They cover Haynes manuals, needlework, gardening, fishing, building, computer coding, accountancy, biology, physics, marine, fortune telling, law, religion, shorthand, etc

Oh, and fiction Mcaffey, Herriot, Eddings, Pratchet, King, Frank and James Herbert, Heinlin, Moorcock, Feist, Shakespear, Dickens and assorted SAS novels, etc...

I dont get to read as much as I would like.

lady chatterlys lover - DH Lawrence - a truely beautiful work of literature (re-reading for the nth time)
lords of the north - Benard Cornwell - a truely mindless piece of pure escapism (re-reading for the second time) i've only just discovered Cornwell (although i think i may have read a Sharpe novel in the past), he fits nicely into the Wilbur Smith/Jack Higgins category of writing for me. grr men, war, honour, grrr, betrayal, lust, grrrrrrr, power, wealth, grrr etc. all very manly stuff.
robinson crusoe - Daniel Defoe - (not really re-reading, i never really stop reading robinson crusoe, just pick it up and read randomly from it and have been doing for years)

non fiction:

mushroom, part of the river cottage handbook series - John Wright (i got this recently and can't praise it higly enough, really well written (the only book on the subject that's had me crying with laughter) and full of very good information and photographs)


the book of mormon, another testament of jesus christ - i enjoy religious texts, this ones pretty good, not as good as some, but better than others.


Bernard Cornwells latest - "The Fort". I was hoping for another in the Alfred series and I'm not sold on this one yet.
I am legend, Richard Matheson,..

bit dissapointed,...3/4 of the way thru and cant see it getting any better,...

think it was written in the 50s tho so,...

probably a rare example of the film outdoing the book,...
'The Solitude of Thomas Cave' by Georgina Harding about a whaler spending the year in the Arctic in 1616. V interesting so far, and Guards Guards by Terry Pratchett with my dyslexic daughter - both big Pratchett fans and it's great rediscovering him through her eyes.
tactical tracking operations David Scott-Donelan.
tracking signs of man signs of hope David Diaz.........two great books.
the next book was recomended to me, Death in the long grass,Peter Hathaway Capstik.


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