Wanting rid of me?


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
From the South where i start from you cant head along the coast up to Waterfall beach because there is a part you cant get round see pic below this is the first part of beach i get to but you can see to left of pic you cant get round to next bay,


From the beach i have camped on which is north of the waterfall bay you can get pretty far south, but before(way before) you get to the waterfall bay there is a large vertical rock stack that juts out to sea and is also to high to climb over, so in simple terms it cant be done.


Jul 12, 2008
are the currents/tides dodgy there? could it be swum/dinghy'd (what's the verb for that?)

jealous of the potential adventures you have :( down here its all mudflats and miserable farmers


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
Jonajuna, ive snorkeled round the head land in the last pic posted no problem, and right up to the large pointy rock in the first pic, the problem with snorkelling is that you cant really take your kit with you to make it a trip out, i used to have a sit on top kayak, but only ever used that round at the sandy main beach about 2 miles south, but a boat/canoe/dinghy would be ideal in nice calm sea's to get round/explore the area's in question.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
On your own I thought that slope was not worth it but if you have a few of you then personally I'd attempt it. It looks no worse than stuff I've done in the Lakes, including one slope that was covered in snow and ice without crampons. Although that did kinda worry me. It is of course hard to work out the angle of a slope from a photograph as there is not vertical or horizontal reference to guage it against. With steep slopes I always work on the fact that if you are not comfortable with it then if on your own leave it and find another way. In a larger group you have options if things go pear-shaped.

One thing though, if you have to use a rope for confidence bear in mind it can often be harder coming back up than going down.

Have you tried sea kayaking? That is one very nice way to get to secluded places. I've been to one spot off Anglesey that was amazing. It was a pebble beached bay with steep cliffs all around its convoluted shore line. Although a path runs around the edge of the clifs there is no way down or even to see into the bay for most of the beach (only one spot can look down). To get to it there is only down a rope or through a small, sloping cave tunnel. A kayak is just about the only boat to be able to get through. An absolutely amazing spot with parts always in the sun too.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2008
South east Scotland.
Yep guys wont be trying it alone, will wait till ive got a few like minded with me,Paul B that sound like a good spot youve found, and its that kind of place i look for, i do have one thats only available at low tide(although its safe as there is a exit option and it doesnt flood),that's got just enough space for two to bivi.Always good to find new places though.


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