Tadpole said:I'm not a vegetarian. To argue that we should eat meat because our "cave man" ancestors ate meat is arguably as irrational.
Haha touche.
Next time I'm in Bristol for Thai I'll buy you a beer!
Tadpole said:I'm not a vegetarian. To argue that we should eat meat because our "cave man" ancestors ate meat is arguably as irrational.
you are on,pteron said:Haha touche.
Next time I'm in Bristol for Thai I'll buy you a beer!
Spacemonkey said:Blast!!! I just typed a bloody long reply and it got lost in posting.
So to summarise as i can't be bothered to post again, I don't each much meat as I spend all day chopping up rotting human corpses, and if that ain't enough to put you off, then nothing is! Oh, and I actually prefer the taste of veggy stuff, but do sometimes crave meat and eat it. No probs really...
Originally Posted by falling rain
Just out of interest......... What's with all the vegetarians and vegans there seems to be nowadays?
falling rain said:Bod - Quote : For the record I am a meat and fish eater who believes that the truly immoral ones are not the vegetarians or hunters but those who eat meat but are not prepared to kill and prepare it themselves.
BOD said:It's not a case of 'not being prepared to kill and prepare it themselves' that's being too simplistic. That is simply not possible to do. At least not in Britain. I need a licence/permission to hunt, trap or shoot any animal here, and many methods are completely illegal. I have caught many hundreds of fish that I've eaten, and always replace into the sea where possible any fish I don't wish to eat. Even if the fish is dead because of a swallowed hook etc it always goes back as something will have a feed from it.
Doc said:I did have a patient who was fruitarian - he only ate fruit as that was a 'gift' from the plant, and did not kill the plant. As a diet it is nutritionally incomplete.
Doc said:I too was surprised at how many bushcraft folk are vegetarian. On reflection though, Thoreau was pretty much vegetarian (and wrote about it in his classic Walden), and many environmentalists are vegetarian too..
I did have a patient who was fruitarian - he only ate fruit as that was a 'gift' from the plant, and did not kill the plant. As a diet it is nutritionally incomplete
Toddy said:I do take your point Bam, but the *Dead* is just how a lot of veggies perceive meat....a bacon roll is a "dead pig bun" for instance. It's an animate unanimate kind of thing.
I have no issues over the use of animals for food other than that if we breed and farm them then it ought to be as good a natural life as we can give them and that the killing ought to be as quick and stress free as possible.......modern factory farming and abattoirs are a disgrace even though the UK ones are amongst the best in the world.
Toddy said:Yup, Bam, I confess, I eat carrots alive and I even skin them alive and plunge them into boiling water....but I'd never do it to a lobster.
Every thing lives, everything dies, but we all lead a different life.
Fruitarianism has an appealToddy
Tengu said:Most vegitarians I find arent good at cooking either...food either bland, overcooked mush or overspiced.
But most vegitartians are boring, underfed, moralising things [...]