Unususal experiences when out bushcrafting

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Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
Until there is a mass witnessed, mainstream media filmed, physical in my hand proof, i will only go as far as to accept that with all the galaxys/systems/planetary masses, known and unknown, there is a greater chance of there being life out there than not.


On a new journey
Jan 30, 2010
when we were in the raf in wiltshire we saw some strange things lots of ufo sightings in the area regards dave


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Given the cultural damage 'we' inflicted on other parts of this world, do you think alien's have not had the same history and learnt from it? Look but don't touch? We have robotic platforms on Mars, orbiters also so I've no doubt that when we can cover distances faster than light we too will be looking at other life forms but perhaps this time we will indeed just observe?

There are a lot of documentaries on the net, search 'UFO' on veoh or google videos' some are crap but other really do give food for thought.


Jan 14, 2010
Just cos its not made public dont mean it ant happened, i wont get too deep into this, but when the men landed on the moon. they had to pass through the van allen radiation belt!! which was not known about at the time of the first manned moonshot. the rocket was not shielded against the type of radiation in the belt which incidentally can reach you and me right down here on earth, and yet these astronaughts went to the moon through the belt and back again got out of the capsule smiling and waving!! none suffering radiation equal to standing t feet from a nuclear reactor!! with its door open. yet no one suffered massive radiaition sickness!!!
now did they go to the moon!!
My best friend is the worlds leading researcher. and I have personally had dinner with the son of the most famous man in the ufo subject.
dont believe everything you read but dont disbelieve it either!!

From wikipedia regarding the van allen belt :-
A satellite shielded by 3 mm of aluminium in an elliptic orbit (200 by 20,000 miles) passing through the radiation belts will receive about 2,500 rem (25 Sv) per year.

So that's about 6.8 rem a day. You need 100-200 rem for radiation sickness. The Apollo module was made from an aluminium sandwich material. So unless it took them about 20 days or so to pass through the belt I think they might have been ok.

And the belt was discovered in 1958/9, ten years before Appollo 11

Looks like the world leader needs to do a bit more research ;)


Jun 22, 2009
from a biology point of view i do believe in alien life on other planets there is far too many potential places for life to occur once, however i believe life will be similarly advanced, or less advanced and probably thinking as we do but the reality is they just cannot travel the distances required to visit us. Our nearest star i think (other than ours) is 4plus light years away which simply means at the speed of light if its at all possible would take 4 years to get here. The biggest power source available is nuclear power and very unlikely anything more powerful exists which wouldnt even get us close to this speed. Basically what i am trying to point out is that logistically its not possible for a small craft to travel that distance yet alone provide enough subsistance for its habitants to make the journey its certainly to far to fly to bumsville idaho to abduct a person of no significance. If the americans where to land on an alien planet the first thing they would do would be to slap a flag in the middle of town and say howdy, which is what i believe aliens would do on earth what would be the point of sneaking up on a couple making out in the woods after 4 years plus of travel. So until a very large mothership with self supporting colonists pops up on the radar i would debunct any other lights in the sky but as a biologist i would say there is definitely life out there somewhere and they are probably staring at the stars asking the same questions as us or swimming in a puddle of mud many millions of years before getting the chance to ask it. Everything has a logically explanation in my view and i find the subject fascinating...


Apr 10, 2010
There are a lot of documentaries on the net, search 'UFO' on veoh or google videos' some are crap but other really do give food for thought.

If I can play devils advocate to that, its also definately worth watching Carl Sagan's Cosmos. It was made in the 80s and mostly covers astronomy, but it also has various other bits about influential mathematicians, skeptical thinking, etc.

Its a really well made series, and gives you a sense of scale of the mind boggling enormity of space. Worth a watch.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
I do believe you about your experience with the light.

Several of my friends have had close encounters with them. (I have only seen at a distance) One was realy freaked out.

I told her about ball lightning....but was it?

In the middle east they have stories about the Djinns. many people still believe in them.

Djinns are people like us, however they are not made of flesh, but of fire.
Often they take human form. (one reported by a Turkish friend took the form of a talking cat) but sometimes they are just balls of fire.

They come from this world, they are not alien, in fact more attuned to this world than us.

i dont hold with the ETH


Jun 13, 2010
west yorkshire
that info did not come from the world leader in ufo research it came from a documentary in which many of the first astronaughts were interviewed icluding buzz aldrin!!
dont remember the name of the feature but do remember it was about the truth or fiction of the moon shots.
One of the astronaughts threatened to have the interviewer plugged if he didnt get off his property. regardless of dates etc when one of the astronaughts was asked about van allens radiation belt he didnt know what the interviewer was talking about!!! and got really angry!!
dont remember which guy it was but I do have the video kicking around somewhere so will try and find it out !!
the point I was making was not a dig at who was best at what, but just saying dont believe everything you read in papers, for example the mod have just unvieled taranis!! named after the celtic thunder god it is an unmanned long range stealth bomber!! the public have just been told about it!! but people in the ufo community knew about this aircraft a long time ago!! as I said am not going into details but whether you believe or not in the existance of extra terrestrial beings and that they have been here. the fact is this !!! many people very credible and highly intelligent people have witnessed things and had encounters which defy explaination by conventional wisdom!!
As I said in my first post.
I have researched this subject for a very long time, I dont call myself an expert cos in my view the experts on this subject are behind closed doors in places we can never enter. and they will never speak to anyone except their superiors on these matters.
I have and do lecture on this subject all over the uk . I really do know the subject more deeply than you can imagine!!
the friend I mentioned has had his work serialised in the times and topped the same papers best sellers list twice at least!!
No man can tell another what to do or what to believe. but take it from me these things and those who control them are here and have been for thousands of years probably before we were!! but can I say just one more thing?
when someone defends a subject as passionately as I do this one. there is usually a very good reason for this, and believe me when I say that ufo research is like being a freemason, ie once you are in you can never get out!!!
But I would also say the same about someone who attacks the subject with the same passion!!! he or she must have reasons for doing so!!! in fact it caps me sometimes cos I once had a guy come to one of our groups open evenings, he then continued to come along every following month and just sat asking ridiculous questions!!
when I finally asked him why he was coming and doing what he did he said that he had seen something when he was a child which had stayed with him all his life!!
he said he was using they group and its members to help him feel not so alone in his encounters which continue to this day!!
the point being, why would people who have no interest in the subject feel its their duty to debunk whose who do believe, regardless of what it is they have witnessed or encountered!!
so then who belives an alien race have visited our world.
and who does not!!
they!! whoever they are have shaped mankind into what we are today!!!


Oct 22, 2009

Are you sitting comfortably?
then we'll begin
6 years ago at one of our group meetings it was decided that we should try a little experiment.
ie to capture a night visitor on camera camcorder.
we drew lots to see who should do this bit.
low and behold I won or lost!!
my camcorder was set up in night vision mode with two infra red illuminators pointing at me whilst I slept on my sofa.
during the night something strange was caught on tape.
to go into the full details would take ages but what it was was a ball of light or something passing slowly over me from feet to head as it passed over me it lit my timex indiglo watch. wich was on the table at the side of me.
intrigued by this we sent the video to the un named university.
the report was staggering and its framed now in my living room on the wall!!
it stated that the object was moving not being blown or such.
that the object was 2.35. feet from the camera lens at its closest point to camera and that it was a little larger than a tennis ball!!
it had to be emmiting a high emp of some type yet unexplainable to have lit the watch as it passed by.
they could not identify the nature or origin of the said object. only that its path was deliberate.
they also said that. not to be quoted as saying under intelligent control
but it was in some way deliberate and controlled movement..

the only other explanation was a firelfy but when are we going to find a firefly in wakefield in october or at any other time??
the photographic expert at the uni said there was no sign in any way of film tampering, or image manipulation of any kind!!
and if it was a hoaks then it would put spielberg to shame, it would have cost thousand of pounds to produce.!!
I have had the abduction experience on more than one occasion in my life. and have had all the tests ie temperal lobe epilepsy the job lot and am perfectly clear of all
this is not haox or imagination it is fact!!!
hope this helps


I wouldnt call the erratic movements of a firefly neither deliberate nor controlled...


The sigthing you describe could be completely explained by some kind of ball lightning, which in itself is quite rare.


It would seem to me that quite many people - from various cultures and languages - expirience some unexplained sightnings from time to time. This might in itself be scientifically interesting.

At the same time it could prove to be problematic (at least in terms of research funding allocation) to properly research such areas as long as the predominantly explanations involves intelligent lifeforms from other planets.

There are quite many - completely natural - phenomenon which is only quite vaguely explained in terms of scientifical knowledge.

Especially the observed connection between ionized plasma-clouds in the outer atmosphere and seismic events may account for great many of these sigthnings - and could - if researched futher - potentially be used to established quite accurate early-warning systems for earthquakes.

The "sprites" (lightning which shoots upwards into the outer atmosphere) is equally poorly understood. A further understanding of such phenomenons might prove useful in establishing a scientific basis for explanation of many of such sigthnings.

In science and philosophy there is a non-formal "rule" called Ockhams Razor, which in its original form states: "entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem".
Newton explained the same rationale with his saying: "We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances. Therefore, to the same natural effects we must, so far as possible, assign the same causes."

And while neither Newtons or Ockhams "razor" are distinctlively scientific results, it nevertheless gives a quite usefull rationale for dealing with such unexplained observations.

One such try to research and explain such sightnings and phenomenon with established and scientifically sound knowledge. First when all possibilities of explanation using present knowledge is proved futile should explanations involving exterterrestial lifeforms (or similar entities) be considered.

I have no proof that exterterrestial lifeforms never have visited the planet (Indeed, som biologists remain convinced that the radiation resistance of the Deinococcus radiodurans bacteria proved that it has undergone evolution in deep space). Yet it would seem to me that most of the published sigtnings and observations could actually be explained using no more than already established scientifical knowledge.

Have you considered submitting the captured video material for scientific research in ball lightning. The video footage might proved usefull - especially it it truly is photographed in infrared spectrum.

//Kim Horsevad


Oct 22, 2009
Just cos its not made public dont mean it ant happened, i wont get too deep into this, but when the men landed on the moon. they had to pass through the van allen radiation belt!! which was not known about at the time of the first manned moonshot. the rocket was not shielded against the type of radiation in the belt which incidentally can reach you and me right down here on earth, and yet these astronaughts went to the moon through the belt and back again got out of the capsule smiling and waving!! none suffering radiation equal to standing t feet from a nuclear reactor!! with its door open. yet no one suffered massive radiaition sickness!!!
now did they go to the moon!!
My best friend is the worlds leading researcher. and I have personally had dinner with the son of the most famous man in the ufo subject.
dont believe everything you read but dont disbelieve it either!!

Your explanation of the van Allen belt is quite different from the accepted scientifical standard...

By the way, the astronauts on the Apollo missions positioned some laser reflecting mirrors on the surface of the moon. These mirrors are used to measure the distance to the moon with great accuracy.

The objective presence of these mirrors should be enough to debunk the myth of the faked apollo landings....

//Kim Horsevad

Andy BB

Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
Interesting topic!

Is there life out there? Well, there are - current estimates - 100 to 200 Billion galaxies, each containing approx 100 Billion stars on average. So one has to think that the odds are on some form of life! However, the bigger question is - even assuming (huge assumption!) they have solved the FTL issue - why would they come here, out of all the possible worlds around the 100 billion stars in each of the 100 billion galaxies? And if they actually did, why isn't there any hard evidence of it, other than word-of-mouth accounts unverified by genuine pictorial or physical evidence? Particularly in this day and age where pretty much everyone has a camera/video with them in their mobile phones?

I don't buy it - but am willing to be proved wrong! However, I certainly don't buy the argument that those who question the claims of the UFO brigade must be government plants! That sort of claim is massively counter-productive, as I'd guess the majority of people are sceptical about UFO stories, or Bigfoot, or Nessie, and know they aren't men in black covering up the evidence:)


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
If I can play devils advocate to that, its also definately worth watching Carl Sagan's Cosmos. It was made in the 80s and mostly covers astronomy, but it also has various other bits about influential mathematicians, skeptical thinking, etc.

Its a really well made series, and gives you a sense of scale of the mind boggling enormity of space. Worth a watch.

And the book is worth reading. One thing about the moon, the Apollo team planted a laser reflector dish which is still 'shot at' today from earth so if man did not put it there who did.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
No, could be ball lightning.

Doesnt have to take place in a storm. (nor normal lightning for that matter)

I dont think many serious UFO researchers give credence to the ETH theory these days.

As a student of mythology (and yes, I have bean a fortean since I was knee high to a thylacine) I see a pattern here, the stories are just the same, just told differently.

Untill we break the pattern we will be tied to the myth. we wont be nearer the real scientific explaination.

But then, you all know better than to trust a tengu, dont you?


Feb 10, 2009
My mate and I were camping in Knoydart some years ago and after a few nippy sweeties, decided to go for a wee walk. We lay down on a hummock to enjoy some substance or other when quite a distinctive point of light darted across the night sky from the east... then stopped for a second before tearing off at a tangent, stopping again and disappearing northish surprisingly quickly.

I turned to my mate and was about to speak when he said, "I didn't see a f#ckin thing!"

I was walking home through Edinburgh late one night when I met a middle aged bloke about 6' 1", wearing a ginger wig, rouge, lippy and a flowery dress but, as Matt McGinn would have said, there's all sort of strange things happen in Edinburgh!


Jun 13, 2010
west yorkshire
I have no proof that exterterrestial lifeforms never have visited the planet (Indeed, som biologists remain convinced that the radiation resistance of the Deinococcus radiodurans bacteria proved that it has undergone evolution in deep space). Yet it would seem to me that most of the published sigtnings and observations could actually be explained using no more than already established scientifical knowledge.

Have you considered submitting the captured video material for scientific research in ball lightning. The video footage might proved usefull - especially it it truly is photographed in infrared spectrum.

I do totally agree that 95% of all the sightings and encounters, can be explained away with a down to earth explaination tothe public at large!!
what you must however understand is that this subject has been and still is classified as above top secret and for whatever reason the public is not told everything!! I have had to bite my lip many times over this subject and on this forum and this thread you would not believe how much I have not said!!
Please believe me the proof of et visitation has been with us for hundreds if not thousands of years. what you choose to believe or not believe is entirely up to the individual.
I once gave a lecture on the subject of alien abductions to a very wide and varied audience and at the end of the lecture recieved a standing ovation.
amongst these audience members were doctors and surgeons in medicine and psychology, and quite a few members of the scientific community.
also present was the then bishop of durham and admiral of the fleet sir peter hill norton (deceased)
also present was a senoir lecturer in english language and literature. who had made up his mind to debunk the whole lecture..
he was there in two capacities the first as a writer looking for something to sell to the media and secondly a good subject for his students to work on!!
however following the lecture and the intense onslaught of his questioning, he waited outside the auditorium and told me in confidence his own story,
he has since given up his job at the uni to work and travel researching and writing on this subject.
I must have had a profound effect on him!! or something did.
I wont make another reply on this thread as its not my intention to sway anyones opinion. but i will say this!! each of us has a reason for doing what we do.
and where bushcraft and wilderness survival is concerned the things I know about this subject are the reason. I practice the skills people readily share on forums like this one!!.
to know what I mean by this please read nick popes operation thunder child, and its follow up operation lightening strike.
not to put too fine a point on it the skills we as bushcraft/ survival devotees will become very much more important in the not too distant future.
our world is at its weakest ebb in thousands of years,
economically and socially we are all very weak at the moment.
in the words of ex president ronald reagan " I wonder how quickly our differences would vanish if we were faced with a threat from an alien race, and i ask you does not such a threat already exist?"
he had at the time of that well documented speach the onset of altziemers disease. and perhaps he should not have said what he did?
The fact is that we have been studied for a long time by beings who do not have our best interests at heart. reagan knew it and so did the then russian premier gorbatchoff. And to coin a phrase from one of our own prime ministers. who when questioned by georgina bruni about the 1980 bentwaters incident is quoted as saying "YOU CANT TELL THE PEOPLE" unquote georgina bruni wrote a book about the incident using the statement made by margaret thatcher as the title!!
the luftwaffe and raf are not the only ones to have had dogfights above the uk to such vehicles not of this earth had such a fight near nottingham. and they chased each other down a high street early one morning this was witnessed by an old lady returning home from collecting her pension..there is much more to this story which I cant repeat. also know of a sas team who were supposed to be watching some terror suspects. however what they were watching was not what they were at first told. these men since left the army and devoted their lives to ufo research. again much more to this story.
and to close
the footage I mentioned had been tested to see if it was ball lightening. it was not!!

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
The issue for me is that I can just as easily say everything you say is bunkum, and my statement is just as true as your whole passage. what i mean is, my thoughts on the subject are based on my own feelings and a lack of proven scientific fact, just as yours are.

Added: I don't want you to think i'm rubishing yours and others thoughts and ideas. i have the same way of thought about scientific theory, it's just ink on paper, till proven.
Last edited:


Jun 4, 2010
Hull, East Yorkshire.
the luftwaffe and raf are not the only ones to have had dogfights above the uk to such vehicles not of this earth had such a fight near nottingham. and they chased each other down a high street early one morning this was witnessed by an old lady returning home from collecting her pension..


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
the luftwaffe and raf are not the only ones to have had dogfights above the uk to such vehicles not of this earth had such a fight near nottingham. and they chased each other down a high street early one morning this was witnessed by an old lady returning home from collecting her pension

I'm extremely open minded to the possibility, and wish you would expand further on your story teasers, such as the SAS OP. But the above extract does not bode well in terms of evidence. An old lady witnessing a Death Star trench run down Nottingham High Street has so many holes in it.


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