My wife has recently acquired a large 'exercise' ball it is 65 cm in diameter, my young daughter has a small ball which is also a globe of the earth, it is 9.7 cm in diameter. I mentioned to my daughter that the larger ball would be similar in scale to one of the outer planets.
Of course she immediately replied "which planet daddy". So keen to identify the planet nearest in scale and to perhaps place that planet on a local map relative to a places she knew (such as her grandparents house sixty kilometres away) I set to work and came up with the following...
Diameters - balls
big ball - 65 cm
earth ball - 9.7 cm
Diameters - planets
The big ball at planetary scale would be 85385 km in diameter and there are none in the Sol system. The two nearest in size would be Uranus and Neptune.
Earth 12,742 km
Jupiter - 142,981 km - 787 000 000 km from earth (which on the local map would be 6 km).
Saturn - 120,536 km - 1 430 000 000 km from earth (which on the local map would be 10.9 km).
Uranus - 51,118 km - 2 880 000 000 km from earth (which on the local map would be 22 km).
Neptune - 49,500 km - 4 550 000 000 km from earth (which on the local map would be 34 km).
Pluto - 2360 km - 6 090 000 000 km from earth (which on the local map would be 46 km).
Disappointed that I could find no object at the same distance as her grandparents house I tried a hunch and came up with this...
Voyager 1 - 18 657 630 000 km
from earth this morning.
(which on the local map would be 142 km)
This tiny microscopic man made probe is now more than twice the distance between home and granny's house. That blew both our minds.
Edited to add:
At these scales the nearest star would be
Proxima Centauri - 39 900 000 000 000 km from earth (which on the local map would be 303744 km or seven and a half times the circumference of the earth or almost as far as the earth to the moon at perigee (363000 km)).