Potential candidate
from http://www.glaucus.org.uk/Pond.htm
Loves mint.
from http://www.glaucus.org.uk/Pond.htm
Loves mint.
Potential candidate
from http://www.glaucus.org.uk/Pond.htm
Loves mint.
Walking into work this am and found this critter on the glass of the fire door! I've never seen one before but it is quite obviously Emmelina monodactyla! Or so I believe!
It was still there by home time (it was definitely alive lol)
Walking into work this am and found this critter on the glass of the fire door! I've never seen one before but it is quite obviously Emmelina monodactyla! Or so I believe!
You didn't do so badly Emdiesse. That's a female Tegenaria, the sort of lovely lady that the handsome chap in Dave53's thread is looking for. He must be after her for her good looks, because housekeeping is clearly not her strong point by the look of that web.
I should have known, it did look like one... but I haven't ever seen one in this kind of environment before (Middle of a large park, in some small woodlands). I have only ever seen them in or around houses, the last one I found was in a garden pot. I learnt that they were a) very quick and b) they ambush their prey if I am not mistaken.
No, each of those 'balls' is a silk-wrapped ball of eggs. The silk used is rather papery and non-sticky in order to protect the eggs and stop them drying out.
I'm trying to work out which species of spider that is, and not having any success. I'm reminded of a cave spider, but it isn't. Might be something that doesn't occur in the UK, might just be I don't recognise it from that angle.
Oh, I wonder. Nesticus cellulanus, the cellar spider? Possibly.