That Chap Evading the Authorities in Northumberland

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here's one for you, if this goes past 1:00 do the rozzers get paid overtime?

Moat: I think I'd like to give myself up now
Rozzers: Are you sure you don't want to think about that for....(mental calculation) about 8 more hours?
Why do the news teams keep saying " a man fitting the description"....If it's not him it's a pretty sick and elaborate practical joke gone wrong
In response to the picture being used of the trigger happy PCs. I've noticed on the BBC website it has a Getty Images credit, therefore a stock (staged) photograph. I'm guess some dumb-lucky photographer is currently creaming it in on the royalties for this shot. Now where did I put my camera...
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Getty provide news images to the media..
It's unlikely to be a 'stock' image. The Getty credit is there to let us all know who took the photo.

I stand graciously corrected. I've only ever used Getty for stock photography being one of those designer types. Completely forgot they do real stuff too.

Having said that, that's one dumb-**** photographer to get almost the wrong side of the guns. Even with a telephoto lens, not somewhere I'd want to be.
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Sorry to hear that a murder, and two shootings, followed by a nation wide man hunt, ending in a death by suicide were boring and predictable to you!

I feel I must point out that people are NOT allowed to behave that way, in case you had not noticed..........Hence the man hunt! :)

I feel I must bow out of this thread, as this this is probably going to become full out uninformed comments again. like earlier yesterday. IMHO banter was fine towards the police etc, but some of the comments on this PUBLIC site gave bushcrafters a bad name, and would make them no different to Moat in the eyes of the public.
had a bit of fun with the jibbing, but any death deserved or not, is an end, don't forget what he did, but also remember he had a family, and rightly or wrongly they will grieve .it may be justice, but it's not right.
Nothin funny about any of this, is there. His family didn't deserve this, nor did his victims. What makes anyone want to do something horrendous like this, I'll never know. Best to leave the familes to do their grieving in peace now.
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