Yay, Gazza has arrived, at last we are safe.
Personally, i don't wish him to be subject to fire. IDEA ALERT: Con island? - a deliberate abandoning of the person on an inescapable island (full of bears and dinosaurs) and leave him there to be mind - messed.
It's an awful pic. I doubt any of them has ever held a gun before this or even come close to a police uniform. It's a shame that the tabloids and media have to make this pictures that will in hindsight not be favourable for the forces involved, it is just gung ho C'MON AND GET IT nonesense which is not needed in this situation.
Slightly to the right of the same picture.
Peronally, I am particularly impressed with the ability to hold a carbine in such a stupidly ineffective manner that the stock is noteven remotely in contact with the shoulder.
Clearly highly trained (although whether on X-box or PS3 is hard to tell)
And as for that yellow item - pointing it at the guy in front whilst pulling faces at the camera. Aaah yes, a sign of dedication and professionalism.
They are trained firearms officers you fruit-loop, telling the photographer to back off.
Despite the ribbing it's fair to say that they do probably know what they're doing but the banter is funny!
New favourite quote:
"its like something out of Waco Texas"
I guess that is true to some extent....except for the fact they are outside, are only facing one man, there are no women or kids involved, its in Britain, there is no religion involved, and no mass casualties have occurred and there has been no fire engulfing a building.
Apart from those small points, I suppose its just like Waco!
FYI: They have had dogs, including sniffer dogs, involved since Saturday morning, result? = Nowt
This person appears to be either very lucky or extremely cunning.
And in other news Paul the octupus backs Spain to win.