That Chap Evading the Authorities in Northumberland

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Do you remember Eddie McGee volunteering to track someone similar and finding him? I think it was the early eighties. The cops refused to allow Eddie to approach his position because it might not be safe. Eddie is on record as saying " safe for who? me or him? The cops brought him out alive, but I doubt if he had harmed a police officer.
That guy was former military if my memory serves me right.

I would be amazed if there is not some form of bruising to this nutter as a result of resisting arrest, however as a former cop I wouldnt expect him dead unless he puts the officers at risk with a firearm.
sorry missed a few words while cutting and pasting.

In no way am i saying that the army is hunting him down to engage him. What i am wondering is what would happen if he is spotted by said helicopter, and attacking the police or able to ambush them.

If you have seen some of the police camera action shows when a police helicopter is involved and trying to guide the police to the suspect then the possibility is there as it looks like a comedy show sometimes.
Do you remember Eddie McGee volunteering to track someone similar and finding him? I think it was the early eighties. The cops refused to allow Eddie to approach his position because it might not be safe. Eddie is on record as saying " safe for who? me or him? The cops brought him out alive, but I doubt if he had harmed a police officer.
That guy was former military if my memory serves me right.

I would be amazed if there is not some form of bruising to this nutter as a result of resisting arrest, however as a former cop I wouldnt expect him dead unless he puts the officers at risk with a firearm.

I can remember him being called in to track Barry Prudom, but no happy ending.

"Barry Prudom was an avid outdoorsman and firearms enthusiast who joined the elite Special Air Service in 1969. Prudom was already named in one arrest warrant, for wounding, when Constable David Haigh stopped his car for a routine traffic check near Harrogate, in Yorkshire, on June 17, 1982. Barry identified himself as "Clive Jones," but gave his true birthdate, and Constable Haigh had time to jot the information down along with Prudom's license number - before Prudom whipped out a pistol, killing his victim with one shot to the head. The car was found abandoned in a field near Leeds, its license plate and latent fingerprints identifying Prudom as the gunman. Moving swiftly, he turned up in Lancashire, invading an old woman's cottage and leaving her bound but unharmed as he fled with some cash. At Girton, in Nottinghamshire, he broke into the home of George and Sylvia Lockett, seeking more money. George tried to defend himself and was killed on the spot, his wife crippled by a shot to the head, causing permanent brain damage. Traveling in the Locketts' car, Prudom made his way to the Dalby Forest region of North Yorkshire. He was resting when Constable Kenneth Oliver surprised him, and Barry squeezed off seven shots, wounding Oliver in the face, arm, and chest. The officer's life would be saved by emergency surgery, but a massive manhunt was already underway for the notorious "Cop Killer," police sparing no effort in their bid to run him down. Prudom was leaving the post office at Old Malton when Constable Michael Woods approached him to make the arrest. Unarmed, Woods bolted at the sight of Prudom's gun, but the killer pursued him, dropping Woods with three close-range shots as he tried to scramble over a nearby wall. Witnesses maintain that the final shot was fired while Woods lay helpless on the ground at Prudom's feet. Living off the land, Prudom fashioned himself a makeshift shelter in the woods near Malton, Yorkshire, emerging from cover on July 3 to hold three members, of the Johnson family hostage in their Malton home. Sitting down to dinner with the family, Prudom called it "the Last Supper," regaling them with a description of his crimes while he fed himself. Prudom left the Johnsons unharmed, and police were close behind him when he returned to his forest hideout on July 4. A fierce battle erupted, officers lobbing stun grenades, blasting away with rifles and shotguns before silence fell over the scene. Inside his lean-to, Prudom was found dead from a self-inflicted head wound; he had also stopped a shotgun pellet in the forehead, and the coroner would count 21 other wounds on his body. A. jury deliberated for eighteen minutes before ruling his death a suicide."
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This guy is bad through and through and I don't really care if mom did not give him enough hugs as a child. I doubt he will survive an encounter with armed police should he even show he is in possession of a firearm; the reality is he is probably aiming for a show down and maybe topping himself after taking out another innocent or two. Personally I hope he gets a double tap in fast order rather than waste any tax payers money looking after him for the rest of his natural life; just my opinion.
This is appalling. I may not be the world's greatest fan of the police, but I have more respect for them than that. You're suggesting that they have abandoned all of the principles they are supposed to protect. Whether you think this is a good thing or not is beside the point - this is an intolerable smear, and I believe that virtually all police officers would be as appalled as I am. They are not running death squads.

Well said Dunc.

There's a 10 grand reward for his capture,

If he's not found before 2030 on Saturday it goes up again to a...... 20 grand Raul over :D


Awwwww, beat me to it.

In all seriousness though guys, I've trained both military and police in firearms. The officer that does shoot this guy (if it does come to that) will be the subject of an intense inquest and will be suspended from duty whilst it is ongoing. Due to a police officer being killed, there will be an amazing amount of scrutiny over any shooting incident which no police officer in his right mind will want to go through and regardless of the outcome will affect their career and more than likely lead to dismissal from the ARU. Opening fire will be the very last resort.
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I thought I would lighten the thread, from the out and out posts about causing this man injury:

9mm's to the knees

Snip> dead man walking.... Good job

two through the teeth
Well aparently he was a tree surgeon so he probably has some experience in the outdoors. He also appears to be heading north back to his hometown however I would think this may be to supply himself in an area he knows and he has contacts, and by now if he's smart he would be at the other end of the UK.
I cant see that anybody can evade capture this long. if you hide behind a bush for a quick pee in any part of the country you have a 50/50 chance of some rambler walking their dog surprising you. to go days without being seen would be near impossible. Are we sure he isnt holding someone hostage in a house? Or in a cave in Afghanistan?
It won't be hard to hide as long as he is in a calm(ish) state,I reckon it'll be either a chance encounter that'll give him away or he'll have an emotional break and get himself noticed.
Is he the Harry Maurice Roberts (he kills coppers) or the Black Panther de nos jours?

Only time will tell. Personally I think he is an idiot and the sooner he is back behind bars the better.

I can recall in my childhood the search for Harry Roberts and you have to say this for him and Donald Nielsen too, they were skilled at evasion. I hope this A-hole is not. Roberts and Neilson were both born in the same year BTW.
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I think he's just another jumped up country boy who never knew his place.

Tell me - what is the place that "jumped up country boys" are supposed to know?

I'd really like to understand where that particular comment is coming from.
trust me if some rambler is out walking and he wants to hide he wont have to much trouble. its much harder how ever to hide from a person or persons who know what there doing.

i have no idea what NV or TI equipment the police use but im sure it wont be isued as standard to the local bobby...... here lies the problem.... heli's have good NV & TI but where do you start and if your over a moor who do you get to confirm heat sources ect.

this will need a massive amout of man power and dogs, they are what will get him in the end i recon mans best friend........

or a slip when he tries to get some money or food from some place, again as said before if he is not a million miles away by now.
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