Stuart69 - RIP

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I am Lindsay, Stuarts sister.
I would like to thank everyone here, on behalf of Stuarts family for all your kind words of comfort and support at this difficult time.
He, was indeed, a wonderful person, brother and friend and his death has come as a shock to us.
We are coping as best we can and the words here, knowing how much he was thought of, are comforting.
Stuart was happiest out in the open and I'd like somewhere he loved to be his final resting place.
As Josh has said, I would invite anyone who would like to join us in the scattering of his ashes to please, feel free to come along.
His final resting place will be confirmed soon.
Please, if you can, join us on Saturday to say farewell to him, you will be made welcome, with open arms.

Josh, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for my brother.

Thank you again, Lindsay x
I am Lindsay, Stuarts sister.
I would like to thank everyone here, on behalf of Stuarts family for all your kind words of comfort and support at this difficult time.
He, was indeed, a wonderful person, brother and friend and his death has come as a shock to us.
We are coping as best we can and the words here, knowing how much he was thought of, are comforting.
Stuart was happiest out in the open and I'd like somewhere he loved to be his final resting place.
As Josh has said, I would invite anyone who would like to join us in the scattering of his ashes to please, feel free to come along.
His final resting place will be confirmed soon.
Please, if you can, join us on Saturday to say farewell to him, you will be made welcome, with open arms.

Josh, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for my brother.

Thank you again, Lindsay x

He was the most gentle and generous man Lindsay and I had several great outings with Stuart.
I have a meet arranged for this weekend at a site he has been with us before, we will be remembering Stuart.
My heartfelt condolences to you, your mum and all the family,I had wished to attend the funeral but will be where he would have wanted to be too, i'm sure.
Thank you for letting us know, Josh and Lindsay.
Every word written in his praise is genuinely meant.

I'm not going camping this weekend, and I will be at Daldowie with you. I wish we were meeting under almost any other circumstance.

I think Tom has it right; Stuart would rather be out with them too, and I can just about see Stuart grinning in agreement.

kindest regards,
Thank you Mary, I look forward to meeting you, please make yourself known to me.
It will be an honor to meet the people that made my brothers last couple of years happy ones.
I am humbled, on his behalf, for all your kindness.

Lindsay x
Only just seen this thread. Truly awful news. To his family and friends please accept my heartfelt condolences and sympathy.


Sent from my phone.
If one could say that a funeral service was beautiful, then this one was :)
It's a beautiful sunny and icy cold day here, and Scotland is glowing in Autumn golds.

For those who wished Stuart's family and friends sincere condolances and kindest regards, this is the reading from the service. Lindsay was one brave lady to do it in such circumstances.

Stuart John Milne
13/12/1969 - 29/10/2012

Remember Me, by Keltaid

Remember Me
When breath at last leaves me,
Do not sorrow and cry
For it comes to all, the time to die.

At this time please heed my wish
Call to the bird, animal and fish.
For these are the creatures I hold most dear
And when they come, know I will be near.

For burn my remains and scatter them well,
From hilltop high and deep in fell,
This I ask of those close to me,
Give me peace and set me free.

To all here gathered blessed be you
And go with my memory ever with you.
Do not weep at this my demise,
For again I will come in different guise.

With call from hawk, again I will walk
Under oak and beech with stag and deer,
I will come and again be near
So listen to the voices that sing in the wild,
And know I walk as nature's child.​
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Thanks for posting the reading Mary,it is indeed poignant verse.

A toast was raised in memory of Stuart at Glentrool.

Not sure what to say, as I've only just spotted this thread.

I only met Stu once,back in summer 2010 when he came down to buy my Old Town Pack, the smaller of the boats in Shewie's photo's.

We had a good chat and a cuppa and on his leaving, I said that I hoped we might be able to meet up on the water some time, thing was, I really meant it.

He seemed a really nice lad, mad keen on getting out there and getting stuck in.

My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

Thanks for sharing the verse Mary, it's one that will stick with me for some time.

It was a hard day on Saturday but it was nice to be able to share it with friends.
Having been away for a week or so, I've only just seen this.

Such sad news.

R.I.P. Stuart, you made quite an impact on many on here.

You'll be missed fella.



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