spare eyeglasses


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Just wondering how many of you carry spare eyeglasses as part of your kit? Do you think you could cope without them if they were lost or broken? Many of us carry spare knives, fire making kit, clothing, food, etc. but how many remember something we use everyday? I first saw a similar post on BCUSA yesterday and it seemed just as relevant here and I wondered how you carry them as well as if you carry them.
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Need to contact Admin...
Sep 3, 2010
When travelling I carry a spare pair (varifocals) made from titanium so they're both light and bombproof. EDC-wise I carry opthalmic sunglasses which I need for driving or riding the motorbike.


Full Member
Sep 27, 2005
Oxfordshire and Pyrenees-Orientales, France
Since reading another thread on this, I've added a fresnel lens to my edc wallet and spare eyeglasses to my response pack. Before that I'd never really thought about it, so tried doing wthou glasses for a bit. This was a sobering experience: it wasn't just that I couldn't read a map but I couldn't see to cut safely. Also I drive in Spain often wher spare glasses are obligatory. This made me think about carry spare when driving here too. I've said it before, but this site always seems to teach me something new- thanks.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
Yes, always. Even when traveling in urban environments.

What DavidJT said, plus usually at least one magnifying glass, loup or something like that.

In a survival situation I could sort of manage without optical aid but it would be very difficult for me. I'm so long-sighted now that without my glasses I can't even focus on the stars. Fine, close work is completely out of the question if I don't have optical help of some kind. I usually have several pairs of cheap specs of different strengths (and sizes) so that I can see at a range of distances by wearing more than one pair at once if necessary. Eighteen inches to two feet distance for me means I need about 2.5 dioptres, five to six inches needs about 6 dioptres. Haven't tried varifocals but thought about it for riding the motorbke, because I can't see where I'm going and read the instruments at the same time!


Mar 26, 2007
Me too - short sighted - so I can't manage effectively without glasses. I tend to keep old pairs on and around my person all the time. As my prescription changes over time, the older ones are less useful, but I can get by with them in an emergency.

When I was in the REs back in the early '80s, I'd be wearing a pair, there'd be a spare in the breast pocket of my combat jacket, one of the special pairs that clipped into the respirator, and a pair inside my mess tins in one of the kidney pouches.



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