So what do you all drink these days?

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I still like a good dark & unspiced rum, bit have also enjoyed a German brandy lately (arguably a bit roo much at my last camp out!).

Also love a nice ale, porter and a crisp German larger or dark Belgian.

Not a fan of the heavily flavoured and or goppin' over hopped craft stuff.

Basic gunpowder green tea and a shot coffee usually sets me up best for the day though
Yeah the dark rums are the best. Lambs probably my fave, Though i am partial to the cheap (£11 a bottle) stuff from Lidl. It's very palatable. I'd say better than most supermarkets own brand stuff, which i also quite like. Dont tend to go for more expensive stuff as it doesn't last long enough.

Rachael, every month when she gets paid likes to go online and buy a random bottle of some flavoured stuff normally spending £30 to £50 a bottle, some are nice, most are too sweet for me.

Have you ever tried a smoked Rum? Bacardi Oakheart was a winner but they stopped making it a few years ago, and 'Cut to the Smoke' is a good one too.
It seems many of you are Cider fans.

I myself was dubious about the Thistly Cross production; too many `out of cider area` drinks are like rough scrumpy.

(Which is still on sale at certain remote Cornish farms...)

But, no, its actually quite pleasing. Do give it a go.
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At the time of the OP I was on instant coffee with milk. Nothing fancy. Occasionally I drink single malt or a nice sipping rum drunk neat.

BTW when touring (on bikes) in a distillery area (was on Islay a few years ago) it is tradition for us to get a small bottle of the local stuff. We then drink it with a smidgeon of the local water. The idea is that water is different around the country so to truly get the real experience you should drink neat or mix with water from where the single malt comes from.

I think the idea with water is that by slight dilution you will be more likely to detect the more subtle components of the flavour.

BTW I got into good rum at about 19 or 20 yo or possibly younger when my parents got a 2 week 4 star holdiday in Jamaica for the price of a main airline return flight once. They came back with a local single estate Rum that was dirt cheap out there in all supermarkets but over here was rare as and often only at independent off licences that specialised in rum. However the Greek islands the same rum was in supermarkets at a cheap price too!! So I got another one off them from another holiday years after the first.

Back then even Booths hardly stocked any rum but now the UK is more open to rum which I think is down to the rise of designer gins and boutique distilleries for gin. Plus flavoured rums which I would not go for personally. Now these nice rums to be drunk neat are now appearing more and more in places round here. Once I used to buy cheap single malts at Booths when they are on offer before xmas. Now I do that with sipping rum.

BTW to anyone who does not rate rum should learn a bit about it. Good rum is single estate and has a character and flavour that is as much about the place it was made in (the soil the cane was grown in down to the still used and the barrels aged in). IMHO Rum should be treated like single malt in that it should be appreciated highly when it is good and respected as a drink.

Currently I have a Venezuelan rum and a Barbadan rum on the go IIRC. I also have something bought in Scotland but I can not remember what the rum is. A bit too rough for my liking that one. Hard to fully appreciate a bit like heavily peated malts are IMHO. I quite like Cane Rock rum at the moment. It has a pottery turtle embedded in the bottle near the neck.

BTW I do not agree with coke and rum. If you have a good rum adding a coke to it is wrong. If you have a cheap and nasty rum then pour it away and get a good one. Some places recommend ginger with rum (I think they mean ginger wine or tonic, is it Stones?). I think some recommend that with certain single malts too. Not so sure myself.
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For me it depends who is buying....
At home - Red Wine or single malt whisky Isay for first choice but only when on offer!
On camp - Beer, Speckled Hen or Hobgoblin, Whisky, Rum or home made/flavoured Vodka and home made/blended Port Substitute. Or whatever is being shared by others :)
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Yeah i know, Random question. It is Friday, and i 'm drinking Rum.. (again)

We should all try it, if one hasn't already.

Anyone ever wish they could have been a pirate? :D

Seriously though.... What we all drinking these days? (if anything) I know, not everyone likes a tipple... but those who do..Whats your poison? What do you take to the woods when you go... what do you savour at home, when you do?

I used to drink lager, had many a night, toting a crate around... sharing a beer with a few friends.. now? Cant be bothered with the weight. Rum all the way for me... Do i have a favourite? Sure. Is that what i buy the most.. No.

Everyone (who drinks) has their own tipple. What ya drinking, given the correct circumstance?

I mean, seriously.. never met a man/woman camping out somewhere, that wasn't wielding a warmer.
Tea or water now. I was a pirate. lol
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Tea or water now. I was a pirate. lol
While i don't currently possess a vessel fo r plunder and pillaging... i do have a parrot. Well, i mean i have a cat that believes she's a parrot. She's fully grown, But suffers from dwarfism. But she keeps getting on my case to buy a ship, and go plunder the high seas...

Untitled by Mark Hill, on Flickr
Just ordered two cases of Barrs brand pop.

Pineapple and raspberry.

Cheap, good and sugar free.

But not always easily got in England...Hence the case investment.

(I drink Irn-Bru too...)
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Anyone tried the Cuban rum from Lidl? I gave a bottle of it as a gift but haven't heard any feedback. An ill fated night in my late teens put me off rum long term and I've never really gone back to it.
Just traded some honey for a half-dozen bottles of homebrew cider. The guy who made it is a decent brewer. This batch is reportedly very strong. I’m going to go round to a mate’s on Friday night and work my way through it. I may or may not share. ;)
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