I'm sorry if i wasn't clear, I didnt mention what was legal or not under either PACE or CJA I am simply trying to provide some good advice to you folk who carry and use knives responsibly. The word reasonable was used to differentiate between a paramedic carrying a rescue hook for RTAs and a B&Q worker claiming that his 12" hunting knife is for opening boxes with. the law is a little unclear on the subject of knives and i think that has been shown by the fact that there is 3 pages of posts on the subject as far as I know no CJA s.139 knife needs to be carried for a reason but no police officer in the UK will stand there and measure the blade and then get involved in a debate about the locking mechanism If you are honest and open you shouldn't have a problem especially since under PACE there must be reasonable grounds to search you unless subject to a s.60 search which is usually confined to football matches etc. if poeple are open and honest we tend to be quite understanding, we use the 'ways and means act' more than you might think.