I think that most of us can agree that it is easier to do any given task when using the correct tools.
Knives are no exception. Filleting a fish with a meat cleaver is possible, but not advisable, as a sharp point and a flexible blade are an advantage.
If one could afford , and find room for, the correct knife for every task, it would probably make any task easier and more efficient.
If one could only afford one knife, however, it needs to have as much versatility as possible.
For me that would include a sharp point.
I can almost understand the round-ended knives for kids, but really we’d be better teaching them about knife safety with a standard knife from the beginning.
The only knives I have with no point are Asian-style vegetable slicing blades in the kitchen.
I still need to combine these with a pointed paring knife to remove any bad bits which may appear. The small pointy blade keeps waste to a minimum and the broad flat blade does a great job of slicing and dicing.
Horses for courses I guess.