Ray Mears

May 25, 2006
Mikey P said:
Rather than a 'live' link-up, why can't we have a kind of interview where the members of BushcraftUK.com can each submit one question to ask.

We then let Tony decide (it's his train set, isn't it? :D ) which, say, ten questions to ask. Or we could pull them out of a hat.

They are then posed to Mr Mears. He answers. Tony prints the answers. Everybody happy. Totally fair system.

Would that work? :naughty:

I like that idea, let's just hope my question ain't asked. "Ray, now be honest... what type of underwear do you suggest for bushcraft?"

Been haunting me for years now :p

Mikey P

Full Member
Nov 22, 2003
Glasgow, Scotland
OzaawaaMigiziNini said:
I like that idea, let's just hope my question ain't asked. "Ray, now be honest... what type of underwear do you suggest for bushcraft?"

Been haunting me for years now :p

Rough briefs, woven from nettle twine. :eek:

I imagine. :rolleyes:

Oh God - maybe he goes commando! I wouldn't want to know that - it's too much information. Perhaps the question should not be asked after all.

I think my questions would be: "Although bushcraft is composed of many skills, is there any single skill you feel is critical to successful enjoyment of the natural environment? And that skill can be either practical, mental, observation or knowledge-based."

Or maybe, "What's your favourite drink?"

I met him briefly at the end of the first 'stand-up' night he did at Tunbridge - I had rehearsed what I was going to say (along the lines of 'Great respect for your teachings, oh master', 'Who would win in a fight between Mors and the Bushtucker Man?', etc) but lost it totally when it was our turn - my mind went blank.

I think I mumbled something along the lines of 'I like your telly programme, Mr Mears. Could you sign my books and DVDs, please?' :(

He'll remember my incisive and quick-witted rhetoric for the rest of his life, I reckon.

What made it worse was my wife was chatting away to him quite happily whilst I stood there, tongue-tied like an awkward 'Kevin The Teenager'.

Anyway, back to the point...I know Tony has some interviews lined up for the site and the mag - I pestered him a while back. He's keeping it all very close to his chest...so, you never know...maybe the pants question will be resolved after all... ;)


Mar 12, 2007
mayfly said:
What did Ray do before his TV career? If Wikipedia is right, Woodlore opened in 1983 when he was 19, first TV appearance in 1993 when he was 29. Did he just run the Woodlore School or was there something else in those 10 years? You're gonna say who cares, right, I know, but I was just curious.


Iwas reading a book by a woman who was walking around the world, specifically her walk up Africa. She had a lot of hassle with her support crew for a number of reasons and ended up walking through much of central Africa pushing her gear in a hand cart with the help of her boyfriend... Ray Mears!! Check the book's photos!!! He was pretty damn slim in those shots too!! Her name was Fiona something and was Austrailian I think.

African :cool:


Life Member
May 25, 2005
African said:

Iwas reading a book by a woman who was walking around the world, specifically her walk up Africa. She had a lot of hassle with her support crew for a number of reasons and ended up walking through much of central Africa pushing her gear in a hand cart with the help of her boyfriend... Ray Mears!! Check the book's photos!!! He was pretty damn slim in those shots too!! Her name was Fiona something and was Austrailian I think.

African :cool:

Interesting, thanks for the info. Any idea what the book is called?


Life Member
May 25, 2005
Just done a bit of a trawl on t'Internet about all this and perhaps not surprisingly most of the links point back to different threads on this very forum! It's amazing what you can find in the BCUK vaults :D

Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
I'm torn between the nice idea that Ray is here under a different name, or infact just lurks as a guest without speaking, and the sad thought that he has to deal with alot of s**t from some of the general public.

OK so he's no god and the world of celebrity may have driven him in a rather too comercial direction, but he has brought 'bushcraft'* to the masses. That can only be a good thing in this world of fat lazy B'stards sitting infron to the tv all day and night!

IMO I don't think he should be held up as an idol, but nor do I think he should be scorned and crucified as often as he is in both directions. The guy was doing the right thing in the right place at the right time, then got swept up in a media frenzy that is still over blown ten years after it started. I know of people who have paid more than I would to go on one of his courses, then foud that he won't be making an appearence due to filming or other such problems. I also know people who have been the guest specialist on his shows, they have spoken of his great knowledge, kindness, generosity and general interest.

I think if Ray Mear the man could be seperated form Ray Mears the brand we may well see more of him at shows and the get togethers. Sadly, I don't think that will happen until the bubble has burst.

* I say 'bushcraft' rather than bushcraft, because it's what my father would think of as scouting, my grandfather as camping and my great grandfather as everyday living. I am a firm believer that the skills that we here practice have been so common until the last century that the name bushcraft is a marketing term used to promote the way of living now lost to the Mtv generation.

sorry, mildly tipsy rant over :cool:


Jan 29, 2007
Northern Doghouse
Here, here Dave Budd,

well done mate, nail has been hit squarely on the head. It would have taken me at least six more paragraphs to say what that and it still would'nt have made sense. Nice one bud! :You_Rock_


Aug 18, 2006
Ellesmere Port
As some of you know im not an experienced bushcrafter and am just starting out. But if it wasnt for ray mears i wouldnt have typed bushcraft into google and got this site up and also wouldnt even thought about bushcraft. So iv got him to thank for that and no one else :) So thnx ray. Also in my oppinion do you not think sometimes we expect too much? Hes given us books, films and dvds, lectures he has his school ect. Has anybody thought he might be well aware of of the BCUK community but just doesnt have time or if he does has other things to do. Theres only so many hours in a day so maybe were expecting too much from him. And also maybe he wants some time to himself when hes not "working".Dont you think :confused: Does that make him bad or inconsiderate or just human and normal. I think the latter

Just my oppinion :D

Matt Weir

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 22, 2006
Tyldesley, Lancashire.
As this is a thread dedicated to all things 'Ray' I thought I would share a couple of pictures I took last Saturday at the NEC. Apologies for the quality of these (and all my other submitted pics) as they are all taken using my Nokia phone.




We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.