I have absolutley no medical knowledge, I'm not a dietition, and have no knowledge of 'alternative' treatments. I would like to belive that 'modern' medical practices work all the time with no side effects but clearly they don't. I would love to believe herbal remedies would work all the time but clearly they don't [or can't be sceintifically proven]
I do belive that whatever ilnessness people may get their bodies need to be in the best position possible to fight it. Therefore I am a great believer in eating healthily and excersing. I have had periods in life where I've sat about eating crisps, smoking, drinking etc and had a cold last 3-4 weeks. I've had periods in life when I've eaten all the fresh fruit n veg I could want excersied regularly and either not had colds or only lasted a day or two.
A quick anecdote if I may - I had a friend who was involved in a motorcycle accident, he was in a coma for 3 weeks, everyone was surprised when he woke up. All the professional/medical types and general everyone said he'd never walk again. But he did. Many people believed the only reason he survived was because of how fit, healthy and strong he was [and still is - took awhile to get there though]. It never hurts to have a strong possitive attitude, to be healthy and to believe in something.
Although having said all this IF I ever get a serious ilness I'm going straight to the doctor, I may keep an open mind on other treatments - but I'm usually a little pessamistic about health care/providers in general be that mainstream or not.
I do belive that whatever ilnessness people may get their bodies need to be in the best position possible to fight it. Therefore I am a great believer in eating healthily and excersing. I have had periods in life where I've sat about eating crisps, smoking, drinking etc and had a cold last 3-4 weeks. I've had periods in life when I've eaten all the fresh fruit n veg I could want excersied regularly and either not had colds or only lasted a day or two.
A quick anecdote if I may - I had a friend who was involved in a motorcycle accident, he was in a coma for 3 weeks, everyone was surprised when he woke up. All the professional/medical types and general everyone said he'd never walk again. But he did. Many people believed the only reason he survived was because of how fit, healthy and strong he was [and still is - took awhile to get there though]. It never hurts to have a strong possitive attitude, to be healthy and to believe in something.
Although having said all this IF I ever get a serious ilness I'm going straight to the doctor, I may keep an open mind on other treatments - but I'm usually a little pessamistic about health care/providers in general be that mainstream or not.