I can not help but wonder.....
I see loads of people screaming and shouting that the established medical system is completely trustworthy and that many alternative practices are for quakes.... and at the same time condemn those who say otherwise, all this being backed up with stories like I have experience this and that and i know someone so and so...
The medical system we have today is not the one that has brought us this far and the alternative sector is not the same one as the socalled witches of the medieval times, altough the latter almost gets the same treatment.
The modern medical system is driven by money and profits these days. I am not talking about those who look after us day after day. I am very thankfull for all those paramedics, nurses and doctors, who do their best for us on the most ungoddly hours day after day. I am also very gratefull for those who discovered those wonderfull cures for horrible illnesses and did tonnes of research.
I am however ralking about those socalled researchers and developers of drugs (yes, the farmaceutical companies) that do so with only one thing in mind; money.... and the more they can rake in, the better. There is much evidence to be found (if you can be bothered to look had enough for yourself) that the farmaceutical industries have taken over control and dominate the opinions and beliefs of both common man and medical staff alike.
A very clear example (to me) is the cholesterol-lie. I have been diagnosed with a level which was far to high and those was perscribed medication. I have been digging for information and truth for almost a decade and my conclusion was simple; it is all a lie! Why? Simple....
There is no proven connection between a high cholesterollevel (of which there are 3) and heart- and bloodvesselillnesses. I searched, I asked the specialist (several of them, actually) with each giving me a different answer than any of his/hers colleages and with even one admitting he and the medical world did not know exactly. It is all based on an assumption, made in the late '50's and this had been developed into a brainwashing lie. if you repeat the lie often and hard enough, it becomes a truth, because people first believe it and that take it for a fact without question. Those who do question are either ridiculed or simply banned from the medical world and that is proven.
The medication you get for your "illness" is a) very expensive. So expensive that in Holland it has been taken out of the healthcareprogramme by several insurancecompanies, so you have to pay for it yourself. On the otherhand if we take the standards for save levels of cholesterol, given to us, than between 50 and 75% of the entire population should be classified as a patient!
Furthermore it has been proven, and I have experoienced the effects myself, that the medication has some nasty side-effects, ranging from fatigue, to painfull joints and mussles even up to cancer and death. The latter 2 have been spared on me..... All in all enough reason for me to quit my medication and listen to what felt right within myself.
Problem is that insurancecampanies used the false information as a means of pressurising you to take the meds or you will not get an insurance and if you than do get an insurance you are classified as a riskfactor and pay up to 3 times the usual amount....
The same story goes for the vaccinationprogrammes the world over and we are taliking children here now! Search and read for yourself. I challenge you! I have 3 kids myself and I did for quit a few years.... I was not amused, to say the least.
Those mysterious roguediseases no one had heard of befor? Chickenflue? Mexicanflue? Where did they come from? And where did they go??? No one knows.... or claims to know, but millions of fluevaccinations have been sold and shot, allthough there were severe sideeffects, documented and proven. And guess where the money went.....
Exactly, to those who "research and develop" and then sell the stuff. You can read and dig into this story too. There's plenty to find and not just digital. I mean real studies, even published.
You just have to look hard, because there are many that rather not see these books and information circulate.
And if we are lied to about this, than what other matters are not entirely true?
I do not bash down on our medical system and staff. No way, but it would make sense if the sheeple, out there and in here alike, would look for answers themselves and question the laiddown "facts" instead of bleeting with the rest that all is peachy and well!
As for the alternative sector; yes, there are hordes of quakes. There are many that prey on the fear and lack of knowledge of sick and desperate people and these quakes, to me, are as bad or even worse, than the large companies. Both represent humans at their lowest level. But there are many that do a lot of good. Those people will tell you to see a regular doctor, they will tell you that their treatment is an aid, not the cure. Things like Reiki, aroma- and/or oiltherapy can give you that extra energy to help you heal. Acupunture can either help or heal. Those ancient orientals weren't idiots all together. They were highly developped, when we were running around in animalskins and clubbing each other of the head. Dismissing those things as nonsense or fraude is just plain stupid and ignorant.
If singing in the full moon, buttnacked with mushrooms behind your ears helps you get well, than please do so.... after you have sought an experts opinion, but do not shove it aside, just like that without questioning and thinking about it. That goes for both sides!