possible tv show

Jun 24, 2008
Still very much under discussion an opportunity presents itself of passing 3 months somewhere wild . The idea is that a group of people can work harmoniously and with the common goal of creating a mini utopia along lines of swiss family robinson. I have been asked to suggest some candidates and i am looking for people with everyday skills that could be modified in that situation.eg a metalsmith could easily turn their hand to making fishhooks or raise a cooking pot out of a steel plate. I obviously am a salvager but do you have a skill that could be considered. ?? It could be anything . Tailor,roofer ,musician .Aesthetics of the build will be an important issue and if u dont know what they are then dont apply. I would also like elementary levels at least of skill in fishing or wild harvesting cos wed be feeding ourselves wiv no emergency food supplies . Send me a mini cv to salvager@gmail.com outlining your skills and how u feel u could contribute to such a project. Need a balanced selection of male/female obviously.Please include details of age etc and enclose a pic. I have no say over who gets selected ultimately and may not have time to reply if i get swamped but deadline is about 3rd August so pass this message on if you think you know someone.


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 9, 2008
If it's about 'skills' then why do people need to send a picture of themselves?
Not something I would be interested in (either appearing or watching).


Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
If it's about 'skills' then why do people need to send a picture of themselves?
Not something I would be interested in (either appearing or watching).
Only dweebs and PYT are allowed on Television these days, if you are not one you have to be the other. :22:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.