Photography shoot at the Bushmoot.

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Ok I got my Photos developed. A couple aren't very clear, and I dont have photoshop on this computer to mess about with them, so Ill just post some as they are.





I can't believe you drank till 4am then got your camera and produced such beautiful, crystal clear images Dave. Respect!
Dave, how did you get that effect in your last picture with the clouds 'moving' but everything else in good focus?

Bit of post editing in Photoshop. Select the sky using one of the lasso tools, then go to FILTER> BLUR> RADIAL BLUR In the radial blur dialogue box, choose ZOOM at about 25% then move the centre of the positioning grid towards the bottom middle of the grid window then click OK

it looks like i will bring my cammara next year even if it is just a fuji a330 with a d stack memory card, that will fit in no reader that i can find and will only upload its fotos using xp. I now have vister so have to pay to get them developed any suggestions or help finding reader would be most appreciated drew
it looks like i will bring my cammara next year even if it is just a fuji a330 with a d stack memory card, that will fit in no reader that i can find and will only upload its fotos using xp. I now have vister so have to pay to get them developed any suggestions or help finding reader would be most appreciated drew

Hi Drew

The Fuji A330 takes XD memory cards. Found a reader on Ebay for 99p with free postage.|66%3A2|65%3A15|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

If you don't get this one just search ebay or google for "XD Card Reader"



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